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 "Alright, we're here." Cade said as he pulled up at the parking lot of the Chesterfield mansion. The building was the same, high and mighty. This would be my fifth time coming here. The first day I saw it, I'd been shocked, it was a mansion, but it carried something that was quite rare with mansions. It was homely and warm.

Fear gripped my insides. Right from the moment Cade told me Melissa wanted to see me, I knew exactly what she wanted... But I tried to ask myself that question, because I wasn't ready to tell anyone... I don't even bring that thought to my mind anymore. I couldn't bare the deep pain that followed after it...

There was no avoiding it... I knew deep down I was about to relive the greatest regrets of my life... Something I'd fought through years to take off my mind. Something I'm sure Melissa would bring up, since she was the only one who knew.

Don't... Don't go there.

I let out a shaky breath, my heart slamming against my ribcage. I didn't know what to expect from Melissa, the last time I'd seen her, was a day before the wedding, the day before I took off. She'd been thanking me for bringing Cade closer to the family and returning his smile back to his face. She'd been so warm and gentle with me, ever since she found out- 


Her presence gave me a taste of what having a mother would feel like. How life could be so much easier, just by receiving the motherly smile, hugs and love.

But I ruined that... Just like I ruin everything.

Cades' warm hand covered my suddenly cold one resting on my lap.

I looked over at him, managing a small smile.

He returned it. "It's going to be fine. I promise."

I sighed. "I wish it was."

"It will be... Do you want me to accompany you? I can call Yvonne and reschedule-"

"No it's fine..."

He had to go. If I was really going to have this discussion with Melissa, I wouldn't want him to know... He'd hate me.

He shot me a look. "Are you sure?"

"I'd love you to accompany me but, I also don't want you to be seeing Yvonne when I'm home alone, so just get it over with now." I said.

He smiled. "There's nothing for you to worry about with this dinner, darling. I'm only going to avoid being rude to the invitation."

I nodded. "I know. I'll also try to be on my best behavior with Melissa. I'll try to win back her trust."

He leaned closer, connecting his lips with mine in a soothing and nerve relaxing kiss. "Don't worry about her. Like I promised, everything will be fine. My grandma isn't the difficult one."

I nodded. "Yeah, I know. If it had been Rhea or Elroy, you'd definitely be calling Yvonne."

He chuckled. "I know better than to leave you alone with those two." He said.

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