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Before you start, What's that one book you read, and can't stop thinking about? Could be from Wattpad or outside of Wattpad.



My cereal was long melted in the bowl as I scrolled through the internet.

Cade Chesterfield seen with upcoming model Gabriella Holland, looking all cozy at a local store in Los Angeles.

Royal Devastation as said Boyfriend of Princess Angelica Brown is spotted at a store with upcoming model Gabriella Holland.

Face of Allure sticking her claim on one of the Chesterfield brothers? read more...

Is Gabriella Holland a Gold Digger?

Cade Chesterfield reunites with ex-girlfriend turned runaway bride?

Princess Angelica Goes off social media after fans leak photos of her boyfriend with a model... A week after their grand entrance at the Allure...read more...

My phone vibrated in my hands, making me jump. Diane's name flashed on my screen as I hesitantly picked up.

"What the hell?! You are all over the news... I leave you for what... two, three days? And you bring forth chaos?"

I sighed. "Good morning, Diane." I greeted, ignoring the fact that she sounded pissed and the frenzy at the background told me the headlines in Miami's top magazine companies were way worse than the little I've seen.

"What the hell were you both thinking?"

"We just went grocery shopping, Jesus."

"Grocery shopping? You both realize you're not normal people, right? You can't just go grocery shopping at 9PM in Los freaking Angeles, Not with Cade Freaking Chesterfield by your freaking side."

"That's like three 'freakings' in one sentence."

"I feel like you're not taking me seriously."

I sighed. "I'm too happy to get worked up over the assumptions of the press... last night, though we might have caused some trouble, was the only time I felt like a normal human being. I apologize for being careless, and like—I know you'll have shit ton of stories to clear out, and I'm sorry that you'll have to go through that, but—fuck it, let the world say whatever the hell they want."

I heard her sigh. "Even if they find out that Gabriella was the woman who broke his heart two years ago?"

"They'll come to find out sooner or later, Diane. I know it's not gonna be pretty, and I'm taking full responsibility of that. Even if I have to hold a damn press conference."

I heard lazy footsteps coming from the corner.

I smiled.

I heard Diane chuckle from the other end of the line. "Fine, but you need to—" her voice trailed off in my ear as I spotted a fresh-looking shirtless Cade entering the kitchen.

"Morning." His gruff voice almost shifted my heart as he placed a lazy kiss on my lips, unaware of the tingles it ignited all the way to my toes.

He headed to the fridge, opening it as his eyes scanned the content in it.

"Mabel? Mabel are you there?" Diane's voice met my ears once more.

"Um what? What were you saying?"

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