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I stood in front of my old apartments' mirror, there in Miami. Right in the small bathroom, I felt really small. These past few years, my life had been horrible. Running from Hernandez Laross had been one of the themes my life developed.

Although, ever since Cole and I escaped from our 11th foster home, we had been on the run, changed our names a couple of times, messed with Rich folks and got away with it.

But when Cole messed with the wrong guys, things got really messed up for us.

Now Laross is out to find Cole and I. I had to find the total amount of 14 Million. It was either that, or our lives. I had managed to get Cole in hiding, and the stupid boy felt like I was controlling his life. He had told me that he could take care of himself.

But I knew that wasn't the case, Cole was only seventeen. He was still a kid, and I still had total control over him. He had made a mistake by entangling himself with those monsters.

I knew what we did for a living. Con people.

But that was it, we did it to survive and we did it without any risk of attachment. Although, there was that one time Cole had gone against the rules, he had managed to go head over heels with a girl, and it almost got us in trouble.

All Cole and I had, was pretty much each other. We'd managed to stir clear of those foster care shit, and we'd managed to build up a good life from our not so legal business. But Cole just had to do drugs.

Sometimes when I think of it, I just wanted to blame myself, if I had just paid more attention to him, this wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't have hurt poor Cade like I did.

It was so sudden that I had to just ditch him and save my brother.

Of course I had no intention of marrying him, but I could swear that if the issue with Cole never popped up, I would have done it.

I didn't love Cade, no... I was with him because he was rich. A golddigger move but- how else was I supposed to fend for myself and my brother?

It's a big world, I know. But what I started, I tried to end. But couldn't.

I was only supposed to Con Cade for a span of Five to six months, but then... He proposed. I was taken by surprise and I felt so sorry for him.

I didn't return his feelings and he thought I did.

I was so good at pretending that I did love him, and it turned out to be really really easy. Almost too easy. And I guess that was the reason why I was going to oblige to the marriage. I knew I played the part really well, and playing it for the rest of my life didn't sound so bad.

It wasn't my first time fooling rich guys, and it wasn't my first time hurting them. But it was the first time I actually felt guilty.

Before I started deceiving Cade Chesterfield, I had looked up on him. He was really wealthy and young, just two years older than I was. He was the ideal target. And when I eventually got to know him, I figured out that he was really nice. Nicer than what I thought he would be.

It was really easy to play him though. I faked a meeting at an airport, purposely got our tickets mixed up, so he'd come find me and I'd also start looking for him... Yadda yadda.

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