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Before you start, Have you ever been to a wedding?


"I do."

Now I understand how important and huge that word is.

It carried all the emotions that comes with getting married, the promises that you make, the love shared between two people, the joy and relieve that comes with the cheers after the ceremonies end. The laughter and cheer that fills up everyone when the reception is in place, and the feeling of forever that lingers in the eyes of the person you love while you both dance to your song.

At the start of this day, I was a nervous wreck, my heart was literally in my throat. I felt everything at that moment... fear, when I was being called to walk down the aisle to Cade, nervousness when everyone stood up the moment I walked in, the silence covered by the beautiful song playing in the background, joy when a smiling and equally emotional Cade took my hand in his warm soft ones, love when I looked into his eyes, and happiness when we exchanged vows.

The reception was a different kind of fun and happiness... there was a lot of dancing, talking, food, laughter, cheerfulness, basically everything beautiful.

I loved Cade's family, and his Grandma is probably the happiest at this moment, but she had hardly let Cole out of her sight, she seemed to take a liking to my brother, and it was beautiful to watch because Cole had never really experienced this side of family.

He looked happy too. I knew that seeing me happy really pleased him. His uncertainty about Cade, left the moment we both exchanged our vows, and I couldn't be happier.

The wedding was a successful one, and now I was at the edge of my car seat, and I couldn't wait to see our new home... Cade told me everything had been set up already.

Ever since he told me, all I wanted to do was go there, but he told me it would be a wedding surprise.

I honestly couldn't wait for our daughter to grace us with her presence. Since we found out the baby's gender, I'd been buying numerous toys, ones I never got to have as a kid, and I had kept them close to my bedside every time, dreaming of the day our little Gabriella would show.

I messed up with our first experience, but this time, I would do everything right, I would make sure I feel every moment of each second with her in my womb... even though I couldn't make up for the last time, I would make sure to give this child the life I never had, and I couldn't wait to share the experience with Cade.

The car rolled into what seemed to be a cutting in the beach side, beautiful houses lining the beautiful seaside estate. We finally drove into the garage of our house. I eagerly got out of the car, not waiting for Cade to pull the door open for me.

Just like he had told me... the house was extremely beautiful. You could literally feel the ocean from up ahead... the atmosphere was chilly and at the same time, warm and inviting, the perfect blend.

"Ready to go in?" he asked, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"It's beautiful, Cade."

"Wait till you see the inside." He grinned, taking his hand from my shoulder and moving to encase my hand in his, as we both made our way to the entrance where he brought out a key card, placing it against the surface of a device just beside the door.

The dark surface of the device, turned green.

"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Chesterfield, and congratulations on your wedding." Said an artificial intelligence voice.

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