Growing up..

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This has been hard for you and Chris. Alana and Caesar are graduating elementary tomorrow...this sucks. The time was never on yours nor Chris' side when it came to anything.  The whole elementary year for Alana and Caesar was good. Alana made new friends with her bubbly personality and Caesar made friends as well once he stopped being shy. It was funny how they are both twins but can be so different. Alana was bubbly and always was nice to kids unless they bullied someone else. Alana always learned how to stick up for herself and others, including Caesar since he was picked on for being the quiet kid. Stupid kids bullied Caesar for being the quiet kid in the class and the nerd since Caesar did participate during class. He was usually more social with Alana or just older people. Caesar always come home quiet until he relaxed. It started to worry you and Chris how tense he came back home from school. You and Chris went to school and had a parent teacher conference with his teachers and Alana's since they both shared the same classes.

" Caesar is one of my favourites, he gets straight A's on most of my pop quizzes and stuff but on the other hand... not many classmates have a liking to him as much as they do with your daughter Alana."

" Explain..." You said with your eyebrow raised.

" haha well yes Mrs. Evans... Alana is more of the socially butterfly but Caesar stays to himself and is mostly distant with everyone. I do see him trying to make friends but something about him it just doesn't si right with the other students."

" well what can that be?" You asked.

" well see that's the thing Mrs. Evans. I have no idea what it is."

" I'll talk to Alana then." You looked at Chris and back at the teacher.

" t-that wouldn't be necessary.."

" well clearly there is something wrong with my son that you nor his parents know about. Clearly you say that Alana is a social kid so she most know something."

" well I kinda know what's going on... that's why I asked for this parent teacher conference."

" you just said that you didn't know.. so what is it? Do you know or do you not know?"

" Please calm down Mrs.Evans-"

" no absolutely not. I won't calm down cause that's my kid that we are talking about."

" some kids are bulking your son saying that he was a mistake and that you nor Chris want him... the rumor started cause Zach, the main bully of course asked Alana out in front of the class and she rejected him. I'm assuming that he targeted your son to hurt your daughter... emotionally."

" Oh fuck no." You got up and walked out where all the classrooms were at. You remembered the exact room number cause you had to bring Caesar late to school since he had a doctors appointment. Chris and the teacher ran after you as you opened the classroom door. All the students eyes laid on you ones they saw who you were. They all were about to jump out of their seats until right behind you they saw Chris. Everyone started screaming Cap and shit. You weren't up for 5th graders acting all fan girl when your son is clearly being bullied by some kid name fucking Zach.

" Excuse me." You said with a firm voice. Everyone saw your bitchy face so they stopped talking.

" is there a Zach in this room?" Ones you said those words. Everyone pointed at a kid in the back corner just laid back into his seat with his arms crossed. You both met eyes at ones. You walked towards him and he just sat up.

" your Zach right?"

" y-yes ma'am." He stuttered as he clearly knew who you were.

" ok great soo I heard your bulling my son Caesar. Am I right?"

" n-no.."

" hmm so now you wanna lie to my face huh? Well let's get this clear.. the next time you bully my son, It's the next time you get to see your fucking parents alright. Cause clearly your getting this impression that bulling is okay since I do see plenty of bruises on your arms and clearly a hand mark on your cheek. I promise you, not having a parent around to feed you and shit. It's not going to be pretty. Plus yOuR about to start middle school so it's going to be 2x harder for you. I don't think nobody wants an orphan that is disrespectful right?"

Zach stay shut as he didn't dare to speak.

" mhm okay. Oh by the way.. learn how to take rejection cause your going to have plenty more in life if you keep this attitude up. I'm glad I raised my daughter for she could know her worth cause i wouldn't want her to end up with a low life 5th grader like you." You got up and walked over to Caesar and gave him a kiss on the forehead and walked up to Alana who was reaching her small hand up for a high five. You walked out of the class room with pride running through your veins. Chris was more speechless then you can imagine. You walked to the main office to pick up Caesar and Alana early for school since it was the last day of school and you didn't want them both to be on a class where you just embarrassed the fuck out of a kid. You waited for Alana and Caesar at the main office as Chris just looked down at you with mixed feelings in his eyes. The kids finally walked towards you both filled with joy.

" WOW MOM THAT WAS SO COOL!" Alana said.

" girl you know how I care about my babies."

" did you see the look on Zach's face dad?!"

" haha yeah. Your mom really did out done herself again." He winked at you.

" hey what's up my little man."

" I'm so glad today is the last day of school."

" alright so who's up for some take out?" You all walked to the car.

" TOTALLY!!" Alana and Caesar said at the same time.

You all decided on McDonald's since it was only a block away. Right across the street from McDonald's was Publix's so it was convenient that you needed groceries as well. Chris went through the drive thru and ordered for everyone.

" hey bae we need groceries." You looked at Chris.

" yeah okay. I'll drive to the Publix's." Chris got the brown paper bags and passed it down to the back seat.

" alright."

Alana and Caesar took out their meals and gave you and Chris' as well. You all ate in the parking lot until everyone was almost full with their food. Everyone was just eating fries at this point so you just said fuck it and went inside Publix. You got the cart and Chris, Alana and Caesar followed you. Chris was always beside you everytime you were in public. He always either grabbed your arm or put his hand on your lower back. This time he had his hand in your lower back and walked with you.

" hey guys, we need snacks so can you go get them?" You said to Alana and Caesar. They already knew the snacks that you and Chris liked so they nodded. They went together to the chips and cookie aisle. You and Chris were in the meat cooler area.

" you really out done yourself out there didn't you." Chris said.

" I had too."

" I mean you sorta took it to far.."

" oh so what. No one is going to disrespect my family."

" god this is why I love you." He pulled you closer to him and gave you a quick kiss on the lips.

Alana and Caesar came back with their arms full of snacks and yogurts they liked. They all put it inside the cart and just played around the store. You all finally left the store and went back home. Now it's graduation and you nor Chris were ready for it.

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