chapter 1

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I stared out the window , wishing this was all a dream, a bad one really(a nightmare). I can't believe this I had to leave the only home I knew ,what about my friends ,well friend I should say.

 What about sam we have been best friends for so long she had always been there for me. my mom, no I wouldn't think about her I knew if I thought about her I would only break down in tears. she was my everything why did she have to taken away from me, I felt tears come to my eyes, what would happen to me. I barely knew my aunt Samantha, but here I was on my way to her house ,in Canada.

 I shivered not because of the cold but because of the fact that I was going somewhere new, I felt like an alien, was I the same girl the same girl who went to parties ,who had boyfriends,  who was filled with so much, I wasn't it seemed everything was being taken from me, including my happiness.

 I wiped the tear that escaped,no I would be brave I didn't know what my future was but I would be brave I would do it for my mother, I owe that much to her. "we are here'' my aunt Samantha said. I stared at the house, it looked alright, but looks could be deceiving maybe I was just trying to see the bad in things. I opened the door and stepped outside one small step for me and one giant step for mom. I love you mom, I whispered. this was it my new life my new chapter .what does this life have instore for me.

"This is your room, darling'' Samantha said showing me a room, it seemed average .I felt a bit sorry for my aunt Samantha she was only trying to make me feel better. I couldn't force my self to be enthusiastic ,I felt dead inside and tired I just wanted to sleep, forever if I could. 

"well I'll let you get settled in ,I'm downstairs if you need me."she said leaving the room. I sat down on the bed, I still felt like an alien in my own body. I tried smiling ,maybe I could muster enough strength to smile for my aunty I mean I lost a mother but she also lost a sister. 

I wasn't the only one feeling hurt, angry and upset at the loss of my mother savanna. I wish I could go back in time, to change history. my mother and I were very close ,I didn't know my father and my mother didn't really talk about him. she always said," he is the past buttercup me and you we are the present and the future. "as she hugged me and kissed me on the cheek .that was her little nickname for me. Her little buttercup even in her last days she called me that , I always told her to stop "I am not little anymore'' I would say but she would just laugh and smile and say" you are to me.'' I loved her, and it hurts me that I didn't get to say goodbye.

 The day my mother past away was the worst day of my life, I was in school and I got a call that my mother was dead. They said she was at the bank when some persons in mask robbed it and she was sadly one of the three people who they shot. The world seemed to collapse no this wasn't true ,I was just having  a bad dream that's all, but sadly that was not mother was indeed dead. I felt awful, everything was a blur ,I couldn't stop crying. I remember screaming as the doctor told me my mother was wounded severely and she couldn't survive the gunshot wound. This is why I try not to think about her, it seemed as if it was only yesterday she was here with me. now she wasn't. No matter how I wiped my face the tears kept flowing down, in my heart I still hoped this was a dream. a very bad dream

yours truly
Fire on Ice

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