Chapter 12

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"Miss Henderson" my English teacher Mrs.barret called, she had asked me a question but I wasn't really paying attention.

Not to mention I didn't do the reading, she gave."I'm sorry miss I didn't get to do the reading." I said , looking down on my book.

I was so busy fantasizing about Noah I forgot."you need to be more responsible Ms Henderson I will not have any dead weight in my class."she said.

ok maybe the responsible think to do as she put it would've been to shut up but no I had to open my mouth and say,"I'm really sorry miss but to be clear I'm not the only one who forgot the reading so you don't have be so damn bitchy about it it's just a stupid reading not the end of the world."I said glaring at her.

A few gasp were heard around the room I could feel the stares of everyone in the room on me."go to the principles office right now young lady." She said staring at me .

I rolled my eyes "whatever" I mumbled.great my first detention at this stupid school, shit my aunt's going to kill me .I thought as I walked to the principles office.

" Good morning miss Henderson please have a seat."the principle Mr Richards said, then he started his lecture .

I tuned out most of it, it was mainly about good behavior and being responsible.I totally expected him to give me detention I was totally surprised when he said,"since it's your first time I won't give you a detention."he said .

thank God I thought I didn't have to go to detention and my aunt wouldn't be mad a me.I don't really want to give her too much trouble .

she was doing so much for me, the least I could do was try not to give her a hard time, I did say try

"but you are to help the dance committee with preparations for the upcoming dance."he said."what, sir you can't do this, that would take up of my after school time please I'll go to  detention." I said.

ok I know what your thinking, I'm being too dramatic and helping the dance committee is way better than detention. I just didn't want do it and I'd rather not spend my afternoon helping some stupid kids get ready for a stupid dance that I wasn't even going to.

"I'm sorry miss Henderson I've already made up my mind and you should have thought about this before you disrespected your teacher.

now I expect to see you today after school in the auditorium, you can go back to class now."he said.

I hurried out the room before I said something that would end me up probably expelled.Arghh I didn't even feel like going to class the teacher  is the reason I'm in this situation right now

.I wasn't even paying attention when I collided  into someone "shit sorry", I said .

"hi beautiful" Noah said smiling, I blushed now wasn't the time,I mean it was kind of his fault too.

"I should go."I said getting ready to walk away."wait, I was wondering if you would go on a date with me."he said holding my hand.

I looked at him, wow that was unexpected I really wanted to say yes but sadly I had that stupid dance thing to go to.

"I can't, but maybe this Friday I have to help the dance committee get ready for the dance."I said sadly.

"sure."he said smiling."I should get to class."I said pulling away."yeah ",he said.

I walked away before I did something stupid like kiss him, although I would have totally enjoyed it I needed to focus on school.

I headed to my English class hoping I could keep my attitude in check.

The dance was on Monday I got to understand the theme was God and Goddess.Although I was going to help with the dance I wasn't going, maybe if Noah asked no I wasn't going.
I was about to enter my class when I saw Lucas he was walking out the school I should just go into class but where was he going.

Curiosity got the best of me,"hey lucas where you going."I said walking towards him.

"nowhere cupcake you should go back to class." He said,"and what if I don't want to."I said stepping closer to him.

I could feel his breath fan my face,"you should."he said , if I leaned in I could kiss him I didn't want to right.

I heard talking I quickly moved away from him,"you should go now if you don't want to get caught."I said,knowing he was going to leave the school compound.

"hey cupcake,you should stay away from us."he said before leaving.I stared at where he was , what the hell did he mean.

I sighed, heading back to class I wondered what he meant was he talking about his brother .This seemed too complicated, maybe I should stay away from him.but him who, Noah or Lucas probably both.

The bell rang signalling the end of school, I headed to the auditorium for my punishment I mean to help with the dance.

I was surprised when I saw Jordan along with Hannah ava and Ben."hey guys , I don't know you were with apart of the dance committee."I said heading to sit with them .

"yeah "they replied."so why are you here hazel."ava asked. "The principle sent me here to help ."I said, unlike them I don't want to be here.""oh that makes sense."she answered.

ok I'm not going to pay attention to that comment," so what do you want me to do."I said,

even though I didn't want to be here I wasn't going to not help plus I don't want the principal to catch me not doing anything and decide to lengthen my jail time.

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