Chapter 38

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"What are you doing." I said as stared at him confused."touching you."he said as he stared into my eyes.I looked at my arms,they were covered in flames,I screamed out of fright."its okay."he said touching my cheek while smiling.what was wrong him I was on fire,I looked at my arms realizing that it didn't hurt,that although my arms were covered in flames it didn't hurt.

"wow."I whispered to myself."I looked at the man face in wonder,"who are you."I said,not recognizing his face."I'm..."he began but suddenly I was being pulled.
I woke up with a start,looking around thd dark room I realised it was night time and that I must have been dreaming.It was a weird dream,I sighed as I tried to go back to sleep.

The next day I felt sick,I realised I must have caught a cold from somewhere.My aunt stayed home even though I insisted I was alright.
"Oh dear your burning up I cant go to work and leace you like this,stay here I'll make you some soup."

I was off to dreamland right after that."you came back,why."he said turning around to face me. "What do you mean."I said puzzled,who was this guy and what did he mean."I thought I'd never see you again."he said drinking from his cup that miraculously apeared in his hands.

"who are you."I asked for the second time.In a second he was before me,I gasped suprised."call me derrick ."he said smilng showing off his fangs.wait holdup fangs,"are you scared mia bella,I can hear your heart beating."he said touching my ear."are you vampire."I asked,it weird this was a dream but if felt real.weird right.

"Yes."he said laughing showing off his sharp teeth."are you going to kill me."I said staring at him. "No but I might taste you."he said touching my shoulders."I'll scream."I said stupidly. "They usually do."he said right before he sang his fangs into my shoulder.

I screamed but not for long because he was pulled off of me.
I stared in shock as a gril who looked alot like me fought the vamipire.after a short battle she stabbed him in the heart with a stake.

I stared in stock, "you need to get out of here princess,they'll be looking for you. "She said looking at me."who are you."I said too shock to move. "You,but from another dimension,you shouldn't be here its too dangerous ."she said. What did she mean.

"what."I said puzzled."there is no time you have to go now before its too late."she said right before she came up to me and pushed me back.I screamed as I fell into the abyss a pool of darkness that swallowed me. for the second time I gasped as I woke up.

I was my room I thought as I stared at the ceiling."cupcake."I heard, I looked beside me to see lucas."What are you doinge here."I said hoarsely."here drink this. "he said handing me a glass of water.

"I was calling and texting with you , no reply and you weren't at school so I came by to see what was wrong,your aunt told me you caught the flu and was sleeping but I wanted see you anyway."He said."oh I had the weird dream."I said sitting up.""tell me about it."he said sitting beside me.

so I replayed the events of the dream well the ones I could remeber everything was jumbled and seemed to be fading."that is a weird dream,are you feeling better now,do you need anything."he asked touching my head."no I'm good can we just lie here I feel tired. "I said even though I slept for so long my body still felt weak.

"You scared me today,you know even noah was asking about guys should talk after you feel better."he said as I layed on his chest."yeah."I said sleepily."I should go soon your aunt probably wont like me staying  in your room so long,after last night."he said jokingly. "

Can you tell me a story before you go."I said wanting to hear his voice more if felt nice laying here with him like this."sure,there once was boy lets call him tim he lived with his mother,she was lonely and sad because her husband, his father died a few years ago.This boy loved his mother so much but he hated that she was unhappy one day while his mom and him were at the park playing he saw this little boy playing with his father it pained his heart knowing he would never have that.he was swinging on the swing when the little boy came over to him and asked him he wanted to play.

He said yes,happy he made a new friend,from that day the little boy nor his mother was lonely because that boys father became his stepfather and that little boy became his bestfriend and brother.the end. "Lucas said as he played with my hair."thats a nice story lucas."I said as I cuddled him closer."it is."he whispered.

I sighed as I felt myself being swelt off to dreamland."I care about you hazel."he said kissing my head and although I was half asleep I heard him.I care about you too."I thought smiling.

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Fire on ice

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