Chapter 17

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I stared at the two dresses , I've never really had this problem before I didn't know what to wear.I searched in the closet dumping all the contents on the bed.

suddenly my eyes caught a dress,"where are you going dressed like that young lady."my mom said."I'm going to a party mom."I said."whose party."she said fuming."cris."I said , what was her problem."you're not going."she said.

"listen Mom Im going to a friend's house for a party , I'll be careful you don't have to worry ."I said checking my phone.

"hazel."my mom said looking at me pleadingly."listen mom I've got to go my rides here I live okay."kissing her then racing outside to my boyfriend Cris.and yes the same Cris who was throwing the party.

It was a crazy night that night Chris got really drunk and was trying to have sex with me.I punched him right in the face then dumped his sorry ass.

I didn't really enjoy the party much after so I just went home what a waste of a good night and a beautiful dress.

I shivered at the memory, one thing was clear I was going to wear that dress.I took out my heels and did my makeup.I curled my hair giving it that sexy look .I was finally ready and damn I looked hot .

I texted my aunt letting her know I was going out

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I texted my aunt letting her know I was going out.
Then I texted Jordan who said he was on the way.
I looked in the mirror I looked really nice, I was planning on having alot of fun tonight.

"You ready."Jordan said as I came up to him."yeah."I said as I got into the car.

I swayed my hips side to side, I was pretty drunk right now but I didn't care I was dancing on this guy but I didn't care.I moved my body to the beat of the song letting it take over my entire being letting it flow threw me.

I was having a great time and judging by the tight grip the guy had on my waist he was too.All my thoughts from earlier were gone replaced by erotic thoughts of lust and want.

"Hi cupcake."he whispered in my ear huskily.I gasped, that was hot I wonder if..wait did he just say cupcake.
I turned around see who I was dancing on."Lucas."I whispered as I stared at him.

what the hell was he doing here,"I'm going to huh get something to drink."I slurred as I stumbled to the bar.

I was drunk but had common sense to stay away from Lucas.where the hell was Jordan,"hi biatch."Jordan said as he came to sit beside me." Hey Jordan,you ready to go."I said, " Nooo I want to partyyy."he said laughing.

"Jordan come on, you're drunk let's go home."I said trying to convince.Great he was in no state to drive ,I guess I had to drive us both home too bad I was drunk too."please Jordan we will come back another time."I said pleadingly.

"you promise."he said looking at me."sure, let's go."I said dragging him together exit. I struggled through the crowd of drunken bodies, sometimes having to shove people out the way.

I finally made it outside,"hey cupcake."Lucas said walking to us."yes Lucas."I said not wanting to deal with this now."you sure you ok to drive you're pretty drunk,I'll drive you both home."he said.

"Nooo you don't have to do that."I slurred still pretty drunk, ok maybe I was a good idea but still."don't be stubborn, you're both drunk,plus my brother would kill me if something happened to his little girlfriend on my watch."he said taking the car keys out my hand

"He's not my boyfriend."I said blushing.We put Jordan in the backseat he was out cold in a few minutes, I didn't really talk to Lucas I felt a little dizzy so I just put my head on the car window.

we dropped Jordan off after waking him up and trying to get him to tell us where he lives.soon it was just me and Lucas,"so you go to clubs now."he said ,"yeah."I whispered not even looking at me."you shouldn't it's really dangerous alot of drunken people out there, anything could happen." he said.

"What's your problem."I said easing my head off the window to look at him."you need to be more careful cupcake I won't be always there to save you."he said gripping the staring wheel.

"what the hell is your problem dude, you helped me and Jordan and I'm grateful for that I don't need you to give me shit for it .I'm grown I can handle myself your not my father or my boyfriend."I said, Jesus I sounded like a real bitch.

"shut up."he said grabbing my jaw."I'm not a very patient man cupcake I don't do well with disrespect and right now your being a real fucking bitch.I helped your ass tonight you owe me, remember that.get the hell out of my car before I do something I'll regret."he said letting go of me.

I hurriedly stumbled out of his car nearly falling on my face.he sped away in the night,that was intense like most of my meetings with Lucas.

I stumbled inside,"where have you been young lady."my aunt said as I opened the door.shit not this ,could this night get any worse.

"I went out, I texted you aunty."I said, great just my luck."I was worried sick do you know what time it is,I called Noah but he had now idea where you were I almost went to the police hazel ,you need to be more responsible."she said.

I cursed under my breath,"I know aunty and I'm really sorry but can we do this in the morning."I said I was feeling really sick right now.

"fine but this conversation isn't over, I'm really disappointed right now hazel.Get some sleep ."she said.

I dragged myself upstairs and in the bathroom where I emptied the contents in my stomach.Im never drinking again, I took a quick shower and then and a aspirin.

Today wasn't a nice day,I made my aunt mad at me plus I now owed lucas.I was feeling really shitty about myself,that was my last thought before I fell into the pool of darkness.

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