Chapter 31

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"Hi my name is hazel,and I'm a mess."I thought,I looked at the ceiling.I was in my room bored out of my mind.I didn't feel like doing anything not today not tomorrow.

The doorbell rang,whom could that be maybe its alex I thought as I walked downstairs.

"hello"I said as I saw middle aged man with brown hair and light brown eyes.

"hi my name is richard, you must be hazel ,is aunt around."he said."no she is not but can I ask who is asking."I asked, who the hell was this guy.

"A good friend of your aunt,tell her I stop by will you."he said.I shut the door,that was weird ,what did he mean by good friend was he ,wait was my aunt dating omg.

she was, the late night calls the special outings omg my aunt had a boyfriend.

"hi hazel is something wrong."my aunt said as she answered the call."guess who I just met."I said smiling and giggling like crazy.

"hazel dear are you alright."she said."I met your boyfriend."I said,
"What do you mean."my aunt asked acting innocent."I met Richard auntie he came by awhile ago asking for you."I said.

"oh noo thats a friend we aren't exactly dating.I told him not to come by the house.foolish man I'm going to call him right now."my aunt rambled.

"I'm happy for you aunty,and give Richie a chance he seems nice."I said laughing."talk to later sweetheart."my aunt said hanging up.

I smiled I wanted to see my aunt happy she deserved it after all shes through.I sighed scrolling through Instagram watching people's life,I liked watching celebrities posts it distracted me from my miserable life.

I followed a lot of rappers actors models you name it .I didn't post much though, I followed Noah and every now and then I'd watch his story wanting to know what he was doing did he meet somebody new.

I was selfish, I wanted him even though I don't deserve him.

Suddenly my phone rang interrupting my train of thoughts.
"Hey bestie,I have a favour to ask but you can't say no."Jordan said as I answered the phone.

"ok."I said surprised,"my brother whose in college,came in to visit,my parents is having this barbecue thing and they inviting our neighbors and cousins."he said in one breath.

"slow down what's the big deal."I asked."the big deal,omg bitch you don't listen to me I'm hurt.Anyways,our neighbors have this totally hot son Joshua who plays guitar,I think he's in a band or something.

I like have a mega crush on him but he's like totally straight.I need you to come with me please."he said."sure,when is it."I asked."It's actually in a few hours,I'll come pick you up . Thank you so much hazel."Jordan said hanging up.

Ok then I guess I'm going to a party well not really a party you know no what I'm just going to get ready.I decided to wear a sundress my flats with my purse I looked cute.

I decided to wear a sundress my flats with my purse I looked cute

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"Hello Mr and Ms warren,my name is hazel."I said shaking jordan's parents hands.

"nice to meet you dear Jordans told us alot about you."ms.warren said.she seemed really nice and reminded me of my mother.

"Anyways I'm a show hazel my room."Jordan holding my hand."don't take too long , remember you have to welcome our guest."his father said.

They made a picture perfect family , literally I saw a picture of them when Jordan and his brother were little .It looked really nice like a photo you would see on a advertisement.lucky him.

"Thanks again for coming hazel your such a good friend."Jordan said,we were sitting on his bed.
"Yeah,I wasn't doing anything anyways."I said."so is there any hot cousins coming I should know about."I said teasing him.

We laughed and talked untill his mom came and called him.It seemed this was going to be a big event the place filled with person's quickly.

I had yet to see Jordans brother not that I was looking for him .I was sitting in a corner on a chair drinking some juice Jordan gave me he was busy being a host.

The place was getting a little crowded so I decided to go inside,we were in there backyard.They had this big pool it looked nice,Jordan lived in a mansion his dad was a lawyer and his mom was therapist what a power couple.yeah they were pretty rich,a detail Jordan failed to mention.

"You want a hit."I looked up to meet these pair of green eyes,a set of broad shoulders and toned chest,chiseled chin.he towered over me,He was wearing all black .

A black hoodie and jeans.He gad brown hair some resting on his forehead,he looked hot,and those lips.

"hello,you deaf or something."he said,even his voice sounded hot."no asshole."I said sipping the liquid."have you ever smoked before kid."he said.

"nope."I said,"you want to try,or you like one those good too shoes."he said blowing out smoke in the hair.

"I rather not."I said."suit yourself,so why are you here anyway."He said.
"My bestfriend invited me."I said,maybe I should go back outside.

"Hey hazel, sorry ab__,hey Joshua."Jordan said as he came out of nowhere."hey."Joshua replied,he then proceeded to leave the room.

"omg what were you guys talking about,tell me everything."Jordan said looking so excited."nothing really he asked if I wanted a smoke that's all."I said shrugging.

"Ohh,so did you do it."he asked ."nope, I should probably go."I said."Nooo,I know that I've neglected you but just give me two minutes and I'm all yours ok you can stay in my room watch a movie or whatever."he said."ok two minutes."I said.

I headed upstairs,maybe I'll lie down a bit I was starting to get a little headache.
I must have fallen asleep,

"hello."someone said shaking me,I got up quickly,my eyes met these grey eyes ,he looked alot like Jordan but more muscular ,and more hot with his blonde hair and broad shoulders and firm chest I mean abs.

"hi,I'm hazel."I said breathlessly," hi I'm Nate,you must be hazel my brother told me about you."he said shaking my hands."so how old are you ."he asked." I'm eighteen,you."I said sitting up on the bed putting space between us."23."he said.

"hmm can I ask why you're in here."I said playing with the gem of my dress,I was nervous."I just came to grab something of mines from my brother.You look really nice by the way."he said catching me by surprise.

"I said blushing."you have a boyfriend, beautiful."he said leaning in."no."I squeaked,omg what's happening was he going to kiss me.

"Jesus Nate what the hell are you doing in my room,get away from my bestfriend you asshole."Jordan yelled as he came in the room.

"Calm down Jordan I came for my stuff I wasn't doing anything."he said smirking."arghhh get out."Jordan shouted.

"I'm sorry about my brother,hazel.So what you want to do."he said sitting on the bed."umm let's watch a movie."I said,I was flustered.

Two hot guts guys one day,I found myself thinking about Lucas comparing him to them.what the hell was wrong with me.

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Author's note
At this point I'm not sure what the hell is going on,who will hazel end up with.I know y'all miss Noah and Lucas so they may have a pov coming up.stay tuned!!!!

Yours truly
Fire on ice.

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