Chapter 19

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I woke up smiling for some reason. I'm sure my aunt thought I was crazy when I couldn't stop smiling, I'm sure jordan thought I was crazy when I couldn't stop smiling,when he came to pick me up.

Im sure our neighbour miss betty thought I was crazy hell the whole world probably thought  I was crazy.

I didn't care though I was happy my face was hurting me from smiling too much but I didn't care.Im sure you know the reason for this smile but ill tell you anyway.

I was going on a date with noah and I know what you're thinking I'm making a big deal out of it but I like like noah.

Enough to ignore the thoughts of his brother that have been plauging my mind since yesterday he's now in the back of my mind.

I'm really looking forward to this date."ok what the hell is wrong with you did you win a million dollars that don't know about."Jordan said as we pulled into the school driveway.

"well no but I'm going on a date with noah tonight."I said smiling,ok I really need to stop I thought as I came out his car."yes bitch get that dick."He shouted waving his hand in the air.

"jordan not so loud and no one said anything about sex we are just getting to know each other."I whispered as persons looked at us weirdly.

" ohh,well have a good time either way although I would have went for the other option its more fun."He said grinning,we walked to hands locked together.

I laughed, saying"yeah well we have our whole lives no need to rush."

"sure."jordan said, I was distracted by lucas who was making out with a girl as they come out of his car.

I want to say it didn't affect me, but maybe I would be lying,"Is something wrong."Jordan said following my gaze."Nothing isn't wrong."I said my voice cracking,what the hell this shouldn't affect me.

"hazel what's going on."jordan said holding my hand."Lets just go inside where going to be late."I said,you know what I don't care it kinda stung ill admit but now I don't care he can do whatever he wants.

"ok but you're telling me everything later."he said, together we headed to our class well I had spanish and he had maths.

" wow thats alot."jordan said we were sitting on the bleachers watching the game our school's football team was playing against blaketown high we were getting our ass whooped,but I wasn't paying much attention to the game.

It was the end of school,and I was telling jordan everything,well everything about lucas and me."yeah I know."I said watching the game the score was 4 to 1 jesus this was so embarrassing.

"so do you like him."jordan asked,I thought about it before I answered,

"yeah I do but its just a little crush I like noah more I promise.I know it sounds bad but I'm not playing with anybody feelings.I actually like noah and I've have moments of weakness with lucas but thats it."I said,wow that sounds better in my head.

"hazel do what makes you happy,we're young you cant really blame us everybody just going with the if you like noah be with him and if yu like lucas be with him,Its up to you I wished I had too hot guys chasing me."he said.I smiled,

"what about your boyfriend."I thought not quiet remembering his name."we broke up."he said looking at the game."what,what happened."I said."It didn't work out lets just say we both had some issues that needed to be sorted out.God I need a cigarette. "he said laughing lightly.

"wait you smoke."I said."No it just felt good to say you know, anyways lats get you ready for your date,this games freaking sucks."jordan said getting up.It did suck and for a moment I forgot about my date I was still excited though.

"done,you look like a masterpiece."Jordan said as he finished applying my lipstick.I looked in the mirror,God I looked good."Thanks jordan your the best."I said hugging him."I know know stop before you ruin my work."he said smiling.

I pulled away Jordan literally transformed me I look like a badass and a angel combined."your boyfriend's here."Jordan said as the doorbell rang.
I felt nervous as I headed to the door I clutched my purse,I looked amazing why was I so nervous.

"it's going to be great."Jordan said, opening the door."wow hazel  wow you look so beautiful."he said stuttering."thanks,you look very handsome yourself."I said blushing,he looked nice in his tux that hugged his body.

"alright lovebirds, wait till after dinner before ripping y'all clothes first."Jordan said smirking.omg Jordan ,I thought blushing even harder."we should go, hazel."he said, blushing.

"yeah."I said, we heading towards  his Lamborghini.Tonight is going to be fun I thought smiling.

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