chapter 4

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"hazel" my aunt called,"you have school" my aunt said shaking my shoulders lightly."ughhh"I groaned"breakfast is downstairs ,get ready and come down" she said leaving the room.I got up,it was days like these where I just wanted to lie in bed all day.

sadly I have school ,I wiped the sleep from my eyes and splashed some water on my face.

I stared out the window, mu aunty was driving me to scchool,maybe I should start taking the school bus, my aunty dropped me off on her way to work."bye aunty" I said as I got out the car."bye sweetheart have a good day." aunty said driving away.

" hi bitch" jordan said walking up to me,"hey jordan." I said, walking to him." so tyler is keeping this awesome party today and you just have to go with me." jordan said smiling. "whose tyler." I asked walking aside him.

"omg I cant believe you just asked me that, he's the hottest well one of the hottest and richest  guys here he is also the captain of the football team, and is recently single after breaking up with his girlfriend sophie whose the captain of the cheerleading squad yesterday.I heard its because she slept with his bestfriend" jordan said as we walked."oh" I said.

" so are you coming." he asked as we neared the classroom." I don't know." I replied."please, please,please."he begged pouting."fine" I said caving in." but I wont stay long, I don't think my aunt would allow me anyway." I said entering the classroom. "thank you." jordan following me.

"good morning, class take out your textbooks and turn to page 56" the biology teacher said .I took out my book and was about turn to the page when I heard my name."Is there a hazel Henderson here." the said ." here." I said." well welcome to garner high school hazel I'm mr.james, please introduce yourself to the class." he said." hi I'm hazel and I like reading." I said quickly,I wasn't normally a shy person but for some reason I felt nervous introducing myself. "ok class I hope you all the last nights reading because you have a text on thursday."mr james siad.everyone groaned including jordan who I forgot was sitting beside me.

later that evening.

I walked alongside jordan with a tray of food in my hand. we sat down at a table of four two girls and two boys."hi guys this is hazel, hazel this is hannah, ava,ben and issac." jordan said introducing everyone." hi." I said,ok now I was nervous what was wrong with me, get a grip hazel.

 chorus of hi and heys were heard around the table." so who is going to tyler's party tonight." jordan asked." oh I wish my parents are having this family dinner, so I cant make it." Hannah said."yeah and I'm not going either." ben said ."well that just leaves me,hazel, ava and issac." jordan."wait you're going." ava said looking at me."yep." I said taking a bite of my apple. It was time like these I missed sam,if she were here it would be non-stop talking between us.I decided to call her." I'm going to the bathroom." I said as I got up from the table.

I wondered if I could find  empty classroom to talk to Sam instead of the bathroom, I walked down the hall.I saw a classroom, opening the say I was shocked would be an understatement there was this guy and girls kissing on the teachers desk both shirtless." ahhh." I screamed covering my eyes. 

I turned around ready to get the hell out a here." you can look cupcake." I heard a the guy say huskily." leave the poor girl alone lucas." the girl said laughing. 

I ran out of there so fast you would think I'm usain bolt. I stopped and to a breath my cheeks were red and I was breathing hard."well dont you look lovely." I heard someone say.I looked up to see noah,"what are you doing here."I asked." well I do go here, so." he said smiling." really, you couldn't pick any other school to go to." I said walking away." hey, hey I was here before you I should be saying that he said following me."why are you following me ." I said turning around to face him."I'm not following you we just happen to be walking in the same direction." noah said smirking.

"your so infuriating." I said turning around walking away." I'm infuriating she says." he said.I spun back around ."yes you are." I said, I didn't even realize we were so close."you no what just forget it." I said walking away.he didn't seem to follow me this time.

"what took you so long" jordan said as I sat down.before i could answer I was interrupted by a scream , I saw a blonde hair girl storming out the cafeteria. "whose that" I asked."kate jones,a total bitch her dad owns this big firm that paid the school a big sum of money. she acts likes she owns the goddam school.I hate her."jordan said."oh" I said.

"who are they." I asked, as my eyes met a group of people sitting together. "trouble ,stay away from them hazel.everyody you see at that table is bad news." jordan said.I looked at them what was so bad about them.they looked normal ,wait not normal now that I'm looking at them they looked different than everyone else. they seemed paler, it seemed all of them looked like supermoodel.

it seemed as if they were kings and queens and we were peasant it reminded me of that guy come to think of it he seemed to look like them."hazel,hazel." jordan said waving his hand infront my face."what." I said."its class time." he said,I realized that most of the kids had already left.I got up,jordan was right I should stay away from them why was I even thinking about them. "you coming." jordan asked. "yeah" I answered him.

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