Chapter 33

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"its going to be alright hazel your aunts a fighter."richard said.I was at the hosoital, lucas had dropped he left a few minutes ago saying he had an important errand to run. He was so sweet,kissing me on the head,"its going to be okay,cupcake I promise.",he was messing with my emotions confusing the hell out of me.

"She talks about you alot you know,she loves you so much."he said holding my aunts hand."."I love her,she's means alot to me."I said tearing up a bit."I want to ask her to marry me,do you think its too soon Imean we've only been dating for almost a year now but I love her so much."he said,looking at me.I was suprised at first ,I didn't want to loose my aunt but then I smiled and said,"I can tell you love her and she loves you ,if you're both happy it doesn't matter how long you've known eachother,not everybody is lucky to find there one true love their dont let her go,you should propose to her you both deserve happiness."I said."Thank you hazel you are really amazing and wise for a teenager."he said smiling.I laughed,I was going to be okay and so was my aunt.

I was walking out the hospital, ready to text my aunt when I froze,the phone fell out my hands but I didnt care I was in shock, there standing before me was Noah.It had been so long since I saw him,he looked good,it was like seeing a ghost really."hey",he said handing me my phone ,I took it with trembling hands.

"hi",I said,not knowing what to say I just stared at him."how are you.",he asked."Im okay.",I said,"I heard about your aunt ,I know she means alot to you.How is she?"he said."she is stable but the doctors say she'll be okay she hasn't waking up yet though."I said my voice cracking."oh,thats good to hear,do want to get a some coffe,I know hospital food isn't the best."he said smiling."sure."I said nervously.

It was weird being in noah's car again memories kept flooded back,it all came back to me,and with that I realised I still loved him and it pained me knowing we would never be together.Not because he obviously wouldn't want to get back with me,but because I had feelings for lucas.

This time around I'm going to be honest with myself and with others around,I didn't want to hurt the ones I cared about ,I couldn't ,not again."Thanks."I said as noah handed me the coffee we were sitting in a little restaurant,"how've you been.",I asked after some time."I've been good,I actually joined the football team it helped alot yoy know after everything that happened and I'm really good at it.",he said smiling.

"ohh thats good.",I said I was so absorbed in myswlf,I failed to realise he joined our team,I'm happy for him."I'm so sorry for hurting you, noah.If I could go back I wouldn't have I realise I was selfish I didn't consider other people's feelings.I didnt mean to hurt you.".I said tears spilling from my eyes."hey its okay,it took sometime but I really found myself during this breakup,I think in some twisted way it was good for both of us.I will always love you hazel,and I want to be your friend."he said touching my hand."I dont deserve you noah you are truly amazing,I love you so much.I would love to be your friend."I said smiling.It was good we talked, It gave us the closure we needed to move on with our lives,I loved noah and I always will.We stood there hugging it felt nice being in his arms again noah was truly a good friend one I honestly didn't deserve.

Lucas (a few hours earlier when he dropped hazel off.)

I knew what I had to do,I drove to our second house it was time to talk to my brother.I knocked on the door,"coming",he shouted.I waited paitiently preparing a speech in my head."what the hell are you doinge here."he said ready to shut the door."give me five minutes just hear what here what I have to say I wont bother you after that."I said.

"talk",he said crosing his arms."thank you.Firstly I miss you,Its been a month brother we've never not talk for so long,over a girl.I love you and I miss you man,secondly I'm sorry I dont know what to say make you forgive me and I probably dont deserve it,we kissed a few times thats all but I actually care about her.lastly her aunt is in the hospital,you should go see her she really loves you noah not me.If you want to be with her I promose to never as much look in her direction again,but she really needs a friend or a boyfriend now.whatever you want to be to her she just needs you and I think you need her too.I love you brother see you around,I guess."I walked away.

"hey idiot which hospital."he said,I told him smiling it was going to be alright.I was happy as long she was happy,hazel you dont know how much you mean to me.I thought heading home.

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