Chapter 11

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" hazel," Jordan yelled, we both had a free section so we were hanging out he was telling me about his boyfriend Cris and yes he told me he was gay.

but his parents didn't know, I told him he should be himself and not try to hide parts of himself no matter what people thought about it.

Then I started to think about Lucas and how he seemed so different yesterday I wondered if he was hiding parts of him from the world ,why  I thinking about him.

"what were you saying."I asked Jordan ." Im just telling you how Cris wants to introduce me to his parents, what if they don't like me,what if they're homophobic."he said.

"Jordan relax he wants you to meet his parents I think that means something stop worrying about those things if he really cares about you he won't care what his parents think about whether they approved are not if wouldn't be important because you would mean more to him than there approval.

just be yourself honestly They'll, love you."I said staring at him."ok love expert,thank hazel I really needed that I was freaking out ." he said hugging me.

I smiled laughing Im really glad I met Jordan, he's amazing.
"So how are you and lover boy" he said smirking,after pulling away."who"I said, dumbfounded."stop playing dumb bitch I know you like Noah." he said smiling.

"I.. I didn't realize you noticed that." I said."even a blind man could see it you totally have the hots for each other,so tell me and don't hold back . how's he in bed." Noah asked.

I turned red instantly if I had water in my mouth it would be all over his face,"we haven't slept together Jordan."I said blushing.

"but you want to right I mean who wouldn't of we were dating we would fucking like animals I bet he has a huge dick.sigh a girl can dream."Jordan said dramatically.

"firstly be quiet we're in a library and secondly were not dating just friends."I said scoulding jordan."ok if you say so."he said.

"We should get to class." I said as the bell rang.I had been thinking the kiss with Noah I wasn't sure what to make of it maybe that's why I was distracting myself by thinking about Lucas so much because I wanted to hide the truth I was in love with Noah.

I'm kidding ,like could you imagine me in love with Noah I barely knew that guy this wasn't a cliche love story where the girl falls in love with the guys a few days of knowing him.

no that wasn't me, I liked Noah but I wasn't going to dwell on those feelings of think about what the meant I had bigger things to worry about like getting my education and becoming filthy rich.

Who am I like I've changed so much I swear I don't even recognize myself anymore.
Noah wasn't at school today not that I was looking for him Jordan pointed it out to me,

"lover boy isn't here today, ho sad." he said.
I wondered why, maybe I'll stop by his house and see what's up, or probably not it's not like I'm his girlfriend or anything.

I decided I'll stop by on my way home as a friend though nothing else.

The day ended quickly I was on my way to Noah's house just say I was a little nervous ok maybe a lot ,my palms were sweaty and my heart was racing what was this feeling."

Hey"I said as the door opened Lucas was the one who answered,"what the hell or you doing here."Lucas said angrily he had on grey sweater and no shirt he looked delicious.

"I..your.. brother."I stuttered blushing did he have to be half naked."he's not here."Lucas said closing tbe door in my face."wait when will  he be back."I said using my foot to stop the door from closing.

I don't know cupcake, he's visiting a friend I'm sure he'll be back to kiss you good night and tuck you in." He said mockingly."what's your problem."I said angrily I was so pissed off.

"nothing,can you leave now I've got shit to do."he said walking away."hey wait  I'm not done yet."I said chasing after him he kept walking as if I wasn't there.

I followed him to the backyard ,I stared at his as he dived into the pool.I gawked at him as he came out the pool wiping his hair as water dripped down his abs,did the place seem hotter to you.

"you should close your mouth cupcake ,or do you want me to fill it."he said huskily.I immediately closed my mouth,

I should run, this was bad , because right in this moment I wanted to be bad I wanted grab him by his neck and kiss him, I wanted to..Jesus what am I saying I needed to get out of here and stay away from Lucas,he was bad."I should go." I said as I headed out ,

he didn't try to follow me or stop me.I was greatful for that I don't know what I would do if I staying one second more in that room.

liar my subconscious said you know exactly what you would do what you wanted to do.

I walked home , closing the door behind me."we need to talk."I texted my best friend , I needed to talk to someone this was all too confusing.

"What's up."Sam said I told her about the whole situation and my feelings,I don't hold anything back.

"wait so you're telling me you like both of them."Sam said."no I don't like Lucas I like Noah Lucas is nobody.

"I said trying to convince myself and her that this was this truth." Sure if you say so , it seems to me you have too options , maybe I should come visit,take one of them off your plate."Sam said laughing.

"Sam I'm serious, this just seem too overwhelming too fast I'm mean I lost my mother Im not stable enough to get into a relationship right now .I just , I don't want to forget her."I said as a year fell down my cheek.

"you won't hazel,you'll never forgot
her she'll always be with you watching over you and I she's proud of you and she loves unconditionally.

she wants you to be happy so just do what your heart tells you."she said."I love you" I said smiling."I love you too, remember when you figure out your boy problem to tell me seriously it's like listening to a telenovela.

anyways I've got to go talk to you later ."she said hanging up .I smiled I'm glad someone finds my suffering funny I went up to my room I had homework to do.

"hi auntie." I said as I passed the kitchen where my auntie was ,it smelled delicious.

"Good night beautiful."Noah texted me. Good night Noah."I texted back, suddenly things didn't seem so complicated, it was noah  

.I wouldn't have feelings for his brother, I was going to give me us a choice."hey do you want to go to the movies tomorrow." I texted him after finally building up the courage.I smiled at this, making the first move check.

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