Chapter 43

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I always felt like I had this figured out that I had control of my life ,my destiny.I knew what I wanted and I would do whatever it takes to get it I always had a path,a direction in mind, I'm not saying I had everything figured out but it kind of felt like it.

What changed how did I become so lost I was looking to others for help, for directions ,I didn't like it being so unsure. You feel so sacred so trap wishing for time to just slow down for a moment wishing it would stop. I feel like I'm floating sinking drowning trying to hold on ,nothing feels safe nothing feels calm.

As I sat in the classroom writing my biology exam I racked my brain trying to remember the things I studied or tried to at least .I wanted to leave the room,I didn't remember much I doubted I passed and I hated it looking around the room at everybody else as they wrote on their paper I wished I had their knowledge no I wished I could read minds I could know the answers .

sighing I packed up my stuff it didn't make sense to stay here torturing myself .So I got up handed the teacher my paper and exited the room.I had one exam today so I could go home,I didn't want to think about what just happpend,and I sure as hell didn't want anyone to ask me how was the exam I may just breakdown and cry, I'm kidding but I was feeling real shitty but talking about it wasn't going to help

I had to do better next time thats all,I didn't want to fai--"hey cupcake ."someone said interrupting my thoughts."lucas.. hey."I said waving to him."hey,do you trust me"he said taking my hand looking in my eyes."I do."I said,memerized my his eyes."I want to take you somwhere, do you want to come"he said."yes."I whispered in that moment I would have followed him anywhere.

He led me to his car, and we drove off into the sunset, and we lived happily ever after the end. Just kidding, "are you planning on killing me ."I said as lucas led me through the cemetery only laughed as he we walked through the land filled with the dead,I wasn't sacred though I had lucas I knew he would protect me.

"hazel I would like you to meet my parents, jessica grey and liam grey"he said as we stopped in front of two graves."hi Mr and Ms grey my name is hazel."I said smiling."they would have loved you, you know ."he said as he stared at the grave. At that moment I felt like crying lucas had lost both parents ,I just lost my mom.We stood there in silence hand in hand ,I understood his pain he understood mine.

"We should go, lucas"said after sometime. "yeah."I said looking at the graves one last time."why did you bring me there."I said as we drove back."I've never introduced them to anyone before, I just wanted to show you that you're important to me."he said as he drove.'Oh."I whispered speechless. He ment a lot to me too,I was falling bad it was scary. "should we get something to eat."he suggested. "yes."I said smiling.

We stopped to get some food at this diner,we talked and laughed together, it was like a fairytale. We were on our way back and everything was going great when the rain started falling, it was dark and the rain wasn't easing up."there's a motel there we should stay untill the rain stops."lucas said."yeah thats probably best."I said, I didn't want to be struck by lightning anyways.

As lucas was talking to the receptionist I called my aunt, I knew she would be worrying about me so I reassured her I was alright and with lucas."bye aunty I love you."I said hanging up,"I think it would be safer if we stayed in the same room,I was trying to get one with two beds but non was available is that ok."lucas said."hmmmm."I mumbled.I wasn't nervous about sharing a be with lucas I trusted him,"alright lets go."he said taking my hand.

"I'm going to take a shower,can watch some tv or whatever."lucas said scratching the back of his neck."sure."I said blushing,why was I suddenly nervous,I texted jordan but he wasn't replying.

After awhile lucas came out the shower,with a towel around his waist his gorgeous abs on display,as he  dried his hair."you can go shower now."he said ,why did he sound so hot.I rushed to the bathroom,where I splashed some water on my face.Get it together hazel,I didn't have anything to where,I couldn't sleep in my jeans maybe I could ask lucas to borrow his shirt.

"hey lucas can I borrow your shirt,I don't have anything else."I said, as I stood there in a towel."sure."he said handing me the shirt.I quickily took a shower,lucas was lying on the bed skipping through channels ,I tugged on his shirt as it reached me mid thigh.I sat on the bed,putting as much space between us ,lucas was only in his brief and since I took his shirt.

"are you sacred of me."lucas said breaking the silence."ofcourse not,why would you say that"I said ,"then why are you so far away I'm not going to bite unless you want me to ."he said."no.I.."I said stuttering and blushing.I lied down beside him and he pulled me closer,"I really do like you cupcake."he said, kissing me for a short time.

"I really like you too."I said pulling him back to me.We were kissing me straddling him, his hand on my waist, I pulled away running my hands down his chest,I moaned as he squeezed my breast I took off his shirt, looking at him I slid of my panties,I didn't have another pair and I was already wet, moaning I claimed his mouth again.

"fuck"he said in the kiss as I grinded on him, he squezzed my ass pulling me closer, he flipped us over as he held my hands above my head devouring my mouth. His free hand trailed down to the spot I needed him the most he groaned as he felt how wet I was for him.He slipped one of his fingers inside me as I moaned at the feeling,"fuckk you're so tight."he said adding another one.

I squirmed under him as I moaned trying to free my hands as he kept hitting my gspot.I cried out as the sensations became too much,"whose making you so wet."he said pulling away from the kiss."you daddy." I said teasing him. "fuck cupcake,you don't know what you do to me."he said right before he started to devouring my pussy with his mouth.

I came apart with a scream so loud I was thankful it was raining heavily outside. Why wasn't he stopping,"give me one more I need to taste you again cupcake, can you do that for me."He said looking up at me.I nodded in that moment I would have done anything for him. After some time passed I squirmed moaned and screamed as I came for the second time,I was truly exhausted,"I really want to fuck you right now cupcake ,you know that right."he said claiming my mouth."yes."I said kissing him back.

"lets get you cleaned up."he said pulling away."what."I said staring at him."when I fuck you its not going to be in some cheap motel okay plus you're exhausted you wouldn't be able to handle me."he said holding my jaw."ohh."I said blushing."lets go."he said picking me up as he carried me to the bathroom.

After we had finished lucas carried me back to the bed as I hit the mattress I was asleep."I love you."I wanted to say because I realized that I did,I did love him lucas.In the night when I was sound asleep or so lucas thougt I heard him say."I love you."or maybe I was imagining it anyway.






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