Chapter 9

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I snuggled closer to my pillow it smelt really nice, I sighed this felt really nice.Wait when did pillows have arms, I got and looked around.I lying on noah his arms around my waist I stared into his eyes."morning." I said blushing."good morning beautiful." he said huskily. I stared at him,his tousled hair and his shit he wasn't wearing a shirt how didn't I not notice this.

because you were to busy staring at his lips you hoe, my consciousness said. He leaned into me,"morning breathe" I said as I got off the bed."I--il go --bathroom." I stuttered like an idiot,rushing out the room.God I was such an idiot,I took out my phone,should I just ditch school I mean It was already late.I called my aunt,"good morning auntie." I said as she answered.

"morning sweetie,how are you." she said,"I'm okay but I was wondering if I could skip school for today I'm just not feeling all that well." I said,I had a slight headache to be honest but it was bearable I just didn't want to go to school."Oh no,do you want me to stay with you." she said worriedly thats not necessary ill just take a aspirin and get some rest really its ok." I said assuring her I didnt want her to worry I just wanted her to agree with me."oh well I guess you can take the day if you're not feeling up to it." she said."thank you aunty."I said,as I hanged up.I smiled this was great I had the day free to do what I wanted,I guess I could explore the place more probably go shopping so many options. I went into the bathroom and did my business luckily there was an extra toothbrush and a aspirin.

I went back into the room well more like skipped I was feeling happy ,sadly noah wasn't there he must be downstairs."here."noah said handing me a cup of coffee as I entered the kitchen."Thanks,this smells amazing."I said sipping it."what's for breakfast husband."I joked smiling.he looked at me surprised before he walked up to me,"well wife,you can have water you want have whatever you want." he whispered huskily in my ears."pancake and eggs." I said pushing him away.

I watched noah as he moved around the kitchen he looked so good in that sweatpants and white shirt I could eat him up. What am I even saying, I needed to get on my emotions, I mean harmones. That's all it was right lust I just needed to get him out my system,I stared and noah what am I even saying.

"here's your breakfast my darling wife." noah said putting the plate of breakfast in front of me,it looked delicious. "don't get something in return ,a kiss maybe."he said smiling."thank you."I said blushing I wasn't going to kiss him,or what am I saying."on the check sweetheart." he said."oh." I said I kissed him on the cheek quickly."Soo how was it." Noah asked after sometime."delicious." I said,smiling at him.It really was, noah had the looks and he could cook if he had met me a few years back we would have totally hooked up but now things are a lot different now than they were back then.sigh.

"I should get going." I said as I looked at noah,truth be told as much as I would want to spend time with noah playing house.I feel like I should clear my head myabe ill go to the beach clear my head. I would ask noah but I wanted to be alone." do you want me to walk you."noah offered." no thats fine." I said ,heading to the door."I had aa good time noah." I said turning to him before I leave. "me too." he replied, I smiled at him before heading out.


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