chapter 5

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"hazel" I heard someone say as I headed to my next class, a class I didn't have with jordan  sad to say. I turned around and saw a Burnette girl with brown eyes, hannah I think her name is."yeah" I replied, as I wondered what she wanted.

we didn't really talk much in the cafeteria. "what class do you have next."she asked ." physics with mr.wilson."oh,me too." she said smiling. "so what is your story." she asked."what do you mean." I said  nonchalantly.

"everybody as a story ,whats yours." she said as we entered the class.she took her seat at the front and I took mine at the back.what is my story, the thought puzzled for the remainder of the day.If I had a story I'm sure it would be depressing. My life wasn't worth telling,I wouldn't want to advertise it.I tried to pay attention to the teacher as I put the thought at the back of my mind.

The bell rang signaling the end of school, I packed up my books and headed out .I wondered if my aunt would pick me up she usually did. "hazel." I heard someone say yet again."noah" I said suprised."do you want a ride home." noah asked."I.." I said unsure, granted I kind of a knew him I still felt suspicious that and he was total a jerk." come on I'm your neighbor after all and your aunts close friends ,I promise ill take you home safely, cross my heart hope to die."he said smiling.he was my neighbor ,I didn't know that, I guess it will be ok."alright." I said agreeing."ok good, lets go." he said smiling..He had a smile that seemed to sparkle. snap out of it hazel I told myself.

" so,how are you." noah asked as he drove me home."I'm good." I said looking outside.did I mention he drove a Lamborghini , a white looked really nice.we didn't talk much after that , I wasn't the talkative type ever since mom died it felt as if a piece of me died  with her."thanks." I said as I came out the car. "anytime."he said ,driving away.

As I opened the door ,I got a text from my aunt saying she would be coming a little late today and she left money for me to order something.I sighed,it felt weird not having my aunt here.I headed up to my room, I put  my bag down.I lied down on my bed,maybe I should call sam. hey I texted sam, I waited for a reply but didn't get one.I decided to take a shower after which I decided to order a pizza. I was watching television when a must have fell asleep.

"so how are you." noah asked as he drove me home."I'm good." I said as I looked outside."you know you can talk to me right." he said stopping the car facing me." I know, its just that I'm missing my mom,ever since she passed away I'm just, its just different, I'm different." I said."its ok hazel." he said hugging. I don't know how long I was in his arms crying."listen to me, you're strong and you will get through this." he said staring into my eyes. I looked at him and in that moment our lips touched and we kiseed.

"ahh"I said as I woke up, I was still on the couch, I had a blanket over me that my aunt must have put over me.It was such a weird dream and it felt so real.whats wrong with me ,I'm dreaming about noah. I got up and went to the bathroom, splashing some water on my was such a weird dream it felt like it actually happened like a memory. after I was finished I headed upstairs ,don't get me wrong nothing was wrong with the couch I just liked my bed more. I fell sleep soon after sleeping soundly with know more life lifelike dreams.

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