Chapter 44

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I woke up on top of lucas I smiled as remembered the previous night.It was no longer raining outside that was good.We should probably head back I had a exam today but it was at 10:00am so I had enough time.It was english language so you don't have to say anything It was one subject I was good at.I still at to head back thoug I didn't wasn't my aunt to to worry,

I lied back down on the bed staring at lucas he was truly beautiful, he always says he doesn't deserve me but sometimes I feel it's the other way around.It scares me you know this feeling I've never felt this way before and I don't want to ruin it .I'm scared its all in my head that I'm imagining but he's here beside me and that makes the voices fade until they go dead.I touched lucas hoping to wake him up gently, well that didn't work so I decided to do the next best thing well worst thing nt his case.

"WAKE UP."I shouted in his ear,he woke with a start.I quickily got off the bed laughing ,well that was fun."really cupcake."lucas said as he ran his hand through his hair."what."I said innocently. "you're going to pay for that."he said stalking toward me.I screamed running to bathroom,"oh no you don't."lucas said trying to catch me.I laughed as I shut the bathroom door giggling like crazy,"too slow."I said as I washed my face.

After I was finished with the bathroom I headed outside I hoped lucas had forgotten about earlier,"hey lucas,"I said."you don't play fair cupcake ."lucas said as he headed to the bathroom."are you still mad."I said as I stared at the locked door."no,I'll just have to get you back."he said .shit what did he mean by that, maybe I should have thought this through.

We had checked out of the motel and was on our way to get something to eat,we stopped at this restaurant it looked nice so we were going to try it.

"hey handsome what can I get you."this girl said walking up to us with a notepad.she was a waitress and was flirting with lucas like I wasn't even there.Maybe I'm overacting she's probably just doing her job,I sighed as I looked at the menu, after we both ordered and the girl left we sat there lucas was on his phone.

"alright here's your order."she said handing us our plates of pancakes bacon and egg ."thank you."I said,"and here's my number gorgeous. "she said handing lucas a paper."I--,"lucas started but I took the paper and tore it in half and then said,"my boyfriend doesn't want your number so if you could leave us so we can enjoy our food and go beg someonelse for some attention thankyou."

"oh he's your boyfriend.sorry..I'll go."she said flustered. "I bit into the pancake moaning at the delicious taste wow this tasted-"your boyfriend huh."lucas said sipping his water."its...I."I said stuttering where did that confident and sassy girl go."Its ok beautiful I like being yours, and you are mine."lucas said pecking my lips.I blushed as I continued eating, we had finished eating and was on our way home.

we were driving as Ariana Grande into you blasted through the speaker ,lucas hands on my thigh.For some reason I felt sad I didn't want leave this moment just yet, but sadly I had to go I had an exam anyways.We pulled up to my aunts house soon after,"I had a really good time cupcake." Lucas said."I did too."I said."I'll miss you."he said kissing me goodbye."I'll miss you too."I said getting out of the car.I waved goodbye as I headed inside to get ready for school.

"hey aunty."I said to my aunt ."he sweetie are you alright have you eaten yet."she said pausing her show."yeah,I'm a get ready for my exam."I said heading upstairs."wait hazel your father wanted to pick you up today after your exam."she said."ohk."I said,its been a while since I saw my little brother anyway.

I had just finished my exam and surprisingly it was pretty eas y,it felt good to do well on a exam after that biology it really was a shit exam though. Anyways I was waiting on my dad,lucas didn't have an exam today I guess."hey hazel."I heard,"Noah hey how are you."I said hugging Noah."I'm good how are you."he said pulling away."I'm fine just waiting on my dad."I said."oh,I was actually wondering if you wanted to come to our game tonight."he said smiling."oh who are we playing against."the revears."he said,I had no idea who they were I wasn't exactly a sports fan.

"sure I'll come what time."I said.It was clear I was only going because noah asked me I didn't feel the team spirit or whatever."at seven,see you there hazel."lucas said walking off off.ok I guess I was going to the game later."hazel."my dad said signaling me. "hey dad."I said getting into the car."I've really missed you, what have you been up to anyone new in your life I should know about."my dad said smiling.

He definitely talked to auntie,"I'm ok just doing my exams, and ,.well there is lucas."I said in a rush."lucas who is he."my dad said driving."umm a really good friend we aren't dating."I said,well lucas didn't ask me to be his girlfriend,we weren't exactly official but we liked eachother a lot like a lot it could even be the L word but I .

"we are dating ,kind of."I finally said to my dad and myself."Ohh and what does this kind of dating mean."my dad said,"umm we are still figuring it out but I like him a lot."I said smiling."ohh,do you do..stuff."my dad said,I realized that my dad wasn't the happiest about my sort of relationship with lucas."dad,omgg what are you talking about."I said covering my face in embarrassment.

"I know you aren"t a baby anymore but your still my little girl and if you are doing stuff with this boy you need to be safe and I need to meet him." he said."omgg dad we aren't doing stuff and you can meet him if you want."I said ."ok that's great bring him by tomorrow for dinner."my dad said as we pulled up to the house."ok."I said getting out of the car I was excited to see my brother it seems like forever since I've seen him.I miss his cute little face,I thought.

"I'll see you tomorrow dad "I said as my dad dropped me off.I  had played with my baby brotheruntil he fell asleep again.he was such and angel I can't wake for him to start walking and talking .My aunt wasn't home as yet I didn't have a exam tomorrow thankGod ,The game was later so I decided to do some painting until."I painted for awhile until I was tired,I went upstairs to get something to eat I was watching some tv when I heard the doorbell.

"lucas."I said he looked terrible his face was bruised badly,"what happned"I said touching his face."I was..nothing can we talk."he said coming inside."but."I said,in that moment I felt sacred what was happening to lucas it wasn't the first time I've seen him like this why was he hurt.I didn't want to see him hurt it felt,in that moment I knew Ioved him I needed him to know that I was here for him."I love you."I said tears coming to my eyes.

"what."he said staring at me ,"I love you"I said as the tears threatened to spillover."you don't love me hazel,you love my brother."he said turning away from me. "I love him,but I love you more."I said as the tears fell .I was confused ,hurt and it was starting to feel like I couldn't breathe."I don't love you hazel."he said looking at me."I...,you what."I said,I felt numb.I truly did love him,he made me happy so why did his love hurt so much.

"I have to go."He said leaving.I wanted to stop him scream at him,but most of all I wanted him to turn around and say it was a joke.But he never did he left me after I had confessed my feelings, my love for him,it broke me as I crumbled to the floor sobbing. Maybe I deserved this pain,I gasped for air clawing at my troath .I couldn't breathe.I wanted to scream call out for help but I couldn't right before I blacked out right before everything became dark,became silent.I heard some call out my name"Hazel."they screamed was it an angel was I dying.I smiled atleast I would finally be at peace with my mother,I welcomed the darkness with opening arms and It no longer hurt.


"hazel."I heard,was I dead."help."the angel cried begging for help,don't cry angel it's going to be alright.

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