chapter 10

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I stared at the water, it looked beautiful .I don't know why I was crying maybe it's because I just got my period, I wanted to scream.

Maybe that would ease the ace in my chest, I hated this feeling It made me feel like I wanted to die.

" You look terrible." Someone said , I looked up great it was Lucas.I ignored him turning back my attention to the sea.

I wasn't going to give him  time he didn't deserve it, "so why are you crying cupcake." he said sitting beside of me."don't fucking call me that .

" I whispered as I stared at a little boy crying in his mother's arms.suddenly I didn't want to be here anymore, " hey why are you leaving is it because of me."Lucas said as I gathered my stuff.

"full of your self much."I said shivering ."here take my jacket." He said, I stopped and stared at him what was his deal.

"what do want Lucas, just leave me alone I'm not going to sleep with you .so just leave me the hell alone." I said angrily, he was really getting on my nerves.

"firstly who said anything about sleeping with you, I just offered you my jacket,if you don't want it then that's fine." he said walking away.

I stood there staring at him what was his deal one minute he's a asshole next minute he's whatever this is."fine "I shouted, looking at him.

he turned around,"what if I don't want to give you the jacket you hurt my feelings you know.O think you should apologize." he said smiling.

ohh thats how he wants to play it ok then, I ran up to h and jumped on his back ."hey get off."he said screaming trying to shake me.

I held on tightly as I laughed, "fine I'll give you jacket just get off." he said, I got off his back clutching my stomach he should have seen that coming.

"So why aren't you at school." I asked after some time of walking in silence."didn't feel like it, you." I said."same.

" he replied.he offered to drive me home seeing I had walked here, to be honest when I first came here it didn't seem that long a walk I guess I was too lost in thought to notice.

" You like him." Lucas said, I stared at him from the passenger seat what the hell was he talking about."who" I said looking at him confused.

"my brother"he said gripping the staring wheel.Did I like Noah, I could lie and say I didn't but then I would be liying to him and myself,"I do a actually, he's sweet and he gives me butterflies." Wait did I just say that what was wrong with me I sounded like a love sick teenager get it together hazel." slow down super Mario you want us to crash."I said after some time.

He didn't answer me instead he seemed to do the opposite of what I said.I held on to my seatbelt and I said a silent prayer, what zx@was wrong with him.I thanked the heavens when we finally reached.

"Thanks."I said getting out of his car." He didn't even reply just sped off t god know where. what was his deal I wondered.I opened the door, home sweet home I thought.

After I had showered, I ordered pizza cause I don't feel like cooking.I sat infront of the Tv laughing,I was watching a rom-com.My aunt hadn't reached home as yet, so I was alone.suddenly my phone rang,"you alright sweetheart." Noah said as I answered."yeah I'm good." I replied smiling at the endearment."do you want me to come over." He offered.

"no that's fine I'm ok seriously."I said, although the the thought of Noah coming over sounded appealing I was a mess now I didn't want him to see that."if you say so, I missed you today."he said, I blushed omg he din not just say that." well I missed you too." I said, this is unbelievable.

"that makes me so happy, anyways get some sleep sweetheart before I come over there and have my eau with you." he said huskily."ok"I whispered blushing like crazy.

"goodnight darling." He said hanging up.I stared at the phone long after he hanged up sming.I really like Noah, I thought back to today's events how I saw a completely different side of lucas and how Noah makes me feel it was complicated.

on hand I really like Noah and on the other I want to get to know Lucas, not the asshole whorish Lucas the Lucas I saw today.what was wrong with me, I yawned feeling tired maybe I was reading too much into this it's not le Lucas liked me right?.

I snuggled into my pillow, one step for hazel one step for mom I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

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