Chapter 13

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I looked at the poster it looked good, well it better after all that time I spent on it. I sighed did I want to go to this stupid dance no, did I want noah to ask me yes.I was planning on not going but then, this happened.

"so hazel you going to the dance." ben asked, I looked at him stunned. "no I'm not."I said."Nooo you have to come who  going to be my date" jordan said coming to stand in front me. "you'll manage. "I said."Ill be your date."hannah offered."I don't want you." he said whining."bitch your gay we don"t have a dick why would you want us."she said laughing.

I walked away leaving them to their bickering, I wasn't going to the dance even if noah asked me. Thats not my style anyway , and I'm not in the mood .I walked out the auditorium with no destination in my mind I guess I just wanted to get out the room clear my head.

"hey your hazel right."a guy said stopping me,I was walking past a group of footballers. "yeah."I said walking away,I wasn't in the mood to talk to him I hoped he took the hint sadly he didnt."your new here right you want me to show you around."he said catching up to me."I'm good thanks." I said not even stopping to look at him.

"can I atleast your number ." he said smiling."no." I said looking at him .This guy couldn't take a hint I mean I think I made it pretty clear I wasn't interested." come on its just a number Henderson its not like I'm asking you to sleep with me ,yet."he said gripping my arm smirking. "Let her go."lucas said,I stared at him where the hell did he come from. "piss of Gray."tyler" said. wait gray, thats lucas last name ohmygod what wrong with me I'm just finding that out now."take your hand off her right now or ill break it."lucas  said staring at him deadly, he looked so intimidating right now.

"whatever gray."tyler said letting me go heading back to his friends."thanks."I said rubbing my wrist,"you should stay away from him." he said,"I was walking past him he came up to me,by the way if you hadn't interfered I would have totally kicked his ass."I said."sure." he said walking away."yeah I would've. "I said following him."If you say so cupcake."He said,I stopped following him heading back to the auditorium.

"where were you."jordan said as I entered the room."I took a walk."I said,"oh well we're done you want a ride."he said."I'm good ill call my aunt."I said ."ok see you tomorrow. "he said."bye hazel."the others said. I got my things and headed out,"hey aunty can you come pick me up." I texted her.I wasn't getting a reply great maybe I should've expected the ride from jordan."you want a ride."lucas said."I'm good."I said he was driving a tesla. "get in the car hazel."he said ,seeing as though I didn't have any other options I got in the car not because he ordered me but because I wanted to.

"so why you here so late."I asked. "why are you here so late."he asked dodging the question."well I got detention because I called my teacher a bitch and the principal told me I had to help the dance committee. "I said, why was I even telling him this. "badass."he said,I blushed looking at my hands I shouldn't be feeling like this."you didn't answer my question."I said after some time."I was seeing an old friend nothing to worry your pretty head about cupcake."he said, smirking."you do know that my name isn't cupcake right."I said crossing my arms. "hey eyes on the road."I said as I saw him staring at my chest.

"I like cupcake better it suits you."He said looking at me, he looked good what the hell am I saying.I looked at the window that would be safer than staring in those blue eyes they seem to enchant me pull me in.we didn't really talk after that and soon I was in front my house."goodbye lucas, thanks for the right."anytime cupcake."he said driving away. I walked inside unlocking the door with the key auntie had given me,I tried calling her letting her know I reached home thanks to lucas not that I'm going to tell her about him.Its not like I'm hiding something, we were in a relationship. I headed upstairs I had some homework to do, maybe I could cook something even and not try to burn the house down.


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