Chapter 42

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lucas pov:

As I sat on the couch smoking thinking about life I realised something ,I didn't feel the same.Yes I still got the usual high I chased so much but it was different this time,when I'm smoking its like I'm in a different world I feel like I'm floating in an ocean.I know non of this shit makes sense but I felt changed somehow.

I kept thinking about her, I didn't want to,this is why I smoke amd drink to escape shit in my life I didn't want to deal with.I was a runner, running from my problems instead of facing them like a man,I didn't deserve her but it's not like I have her anyways.I wanted her so bad ,I wanted to get her out of my system.I didn't like how she was changing me so I kept my distance I ran like I usually do.

"hey bro, you alright."my friend brian said,"yeah I'm good but I think I'm gonna leave I got some shit to deal with."I said getting up."really bro the partys just getting starting ,listen bro I got some girls coming over and let me tell you big titities and big asses with major daddy issues do you really want to miss out on this oppurtunity."he said  grinning,wait that does sound fun but I wasn't in the mood.

fuck was I going soft like what I guy would miss this golden oppurtunity to have big tities bouncing in their face as they__,well me apparently because I said,"I really have to go bro but enjoy yourself." "if you say so dawg but you really missing out here."he said.

Maybe I should have stayed at brians house cause what the hell was I doing infront of her house.fuck I must be really high I shouldn't be doing this shit,why was I getting out of the car ,why was I walking up to her house.
I knew I was making a mistake I shouldn't be at her door waiting for her to let me in like some lovesick puppy ,why did I get high again in the first place.

"hello,how ca__oh it's you what are you doing here."she said as she opened the door in a tank top and some booty shorts.Damn I'm way too high for this shit why the hell was I here in the first place,I kept telling muself.

"hi."I said stupidly,"are you high lucas?,look I can't deal with your problem right now , ok so just leave me alone."She said closing the door."wait.",I said moving past her inside the house, "I actually have something to say."I said."what."she replied crossing her arms.Wow her tits look a amazing in tha-,wait focus lucas."Ummm,well I like you ,like like you and I'm always thinking about it drives me insane.I'm so high right now and I should be at a party fucking some thick bitch."I said

"wait-."she started but I interrupted,"no let me finish,I care about but I know that deep down you still have feelings for my brother and although I fucking hate it .I have to let you go I just wish it wasn't so goddamm hard to.Thats all, I guess."I said, turning around to leave.I shouldn't have come here ot was a mistake.

"wait lucas I like you too and yes I do have feelings for your your brother."she said,"ohh."I said, it hurt to hear her say it outloud I've been telling myself over and over again but it still stung when she said it.

"But in a brotherly way,I love him like a brother lucas he is true friend to me."She said after seeing my expression."ohk thats good I guess,do you want,I don't watch some tv."I said scratching the  back of my neck something I did when I was nervous.I normally just do it around her I'm not the shy type but when it comes to her I don't know honestly, I sound like a girl.

"sure,what do you want to watch."she said leading me to the living room."anything you want to watch is good really."I said sitting down on the couch.It was wierd but I felt at peace here as she cuddled up to my side and we watched the show she put on .It felt better than the usual high I craved what was wrong with me ,what was this feeling could I lo-no thats not ppssible it's too soon ,Plus I don't love, especially girls I just met.I couldn't love her right,could I?.

"what are you thinking about."she asked interrupting my thoughts."nothing,cupcake."I said smiling at her."you do know my name isn't cupcake right, its hazel."she said easing off of me."really I thought it was ashley."I said grining, teasing her "hey."she said hitting me on the arm."oww cupcake I'm kidding."I said rubbing my arm."don't play with me lucas."she said scoldingly.

"really cupcake."I said pulling her unto my lap."I really do like you lucas,so stop running away when things get a bit seroius between us ok,its totally not cool."she said toughing my chin."I promose cupcake I wont run unless it's into your arms."I said pulling her in for a kiss.I really have changed since I met her its scary sometimes but overall it's good.

"Mmmm."I moaned into the kiss as she grinded on my lap,suddenly I'm so happy I came here cause why have sex with someone who I care and know nothing about rather than be with my cupcke whom I have strong feelings for that I'm figuring out.As she ran her fingers through my hair and I pulled her closer, things got intense right when she was about to take off her top and things were going to get steamier we heard.

"darling I'm home."we both froze as we were caught off gaurd by the intruder,oh wait it must be her aunt.hazel quickily got off my lap and straightened her blouse."I want you to meet my aunt,is that ok."she said looking at me flustered."sure but let me fix myslef up a bit wouldn't want your aunt to think I'm a bad influence."I said pecking her cheek.

"ok sneak out the back ,you can meet my dad and my step mom oh and my brother.I haven't talked to them in awhile so I guess I'll have to."she said babbling."One step at a time baby."I said pulling her close and giving her one hell of a goodbye which included some ass squeezing aswell what can I say I'm a guy.

"you should go before my aunt catches us,see you later luca."she said pulling away."bye cupcake."I said as I headed out with a stupid grin on my face aswell.This was nice I was happy at peace all because of her,ahh cupcake what am I going to do with you?I thought as I drove off.

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I know yall missed lucas so hope you enoyed his pov it was actually so fun to write.I love it here.😊😆

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