Chapter 8

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"So you guys almost kissed but his brother who is the guy from the classroom interrupted you guys with his plastic Barbie girlfriend" sam said as I filled her in on what was going on, my aunt dropped me off at school today and I had a free session so I was in a empty classroom talking to my bestfriend."yep." I said,I really missed these conversations with sam. We talked for about one hour,then the bell rang I sighed,"I have to go ,call you later." I said as I got ready to head to my next class,which was PE.

"Are you coming to party tonight." Noah said as he jogged beside me coach was making us run laps. "what party." I asked as I looked at him, why did he have to look so good."I'm having a party at my house , you should really come I throw some awesome parties."he said grinning."oh really,well I guess I have to come and decide that for myself." I said speeding up.


Maybe I shouldn't have said yes to this party I thought as I stared at the pile of clothes on my bed. would it be rude if I cancelled. Suddenly I remember something, "its too short I said to my mother as I stared at the dress ,are you kidding me you look beautiful ,I love you sweetheart." She said hugging me.Tears came to my eyes as I stared at the same dress. Wiping my eyes I headed to the bathroom,I had told my aunt I was going to a part at noah and she to be safe.I felt nervous to be honest,it had been awhile since I went to a that wasn't it I was nervous because of noah,I liked him and I just.ughhh sometimes I hated having feelings.

I rang the bell and waited," you made it." Noah said puling me inside into a hug.I blushed,I looked over at the dance floor where druken bodies swayed and some eyes lingered on us.I pulled away,"yeah."I said,this was embarrassing. "we should get a drink." He said pulling me through the bodies of persons.

"You want to dance" noah whispered in my ear,"uhhh,I have to pee" I said blushing.  "do you want me to follow you or are you ok."he said."im ok." I said as I practically ran upstairs.what was wrong with me he must think I'm a creep. 

I washed my face, drank some more of my, what the hell was in my cup.It tasted nice so bottoms up. I headed out the bathroom ok I can do this I said right before I collided into a wall.looking up I met blue eyes." Sorry ." I said stepping away from him."you should be more careful babygirl, you seem to be running into my arms quiet a lot these days." He said smirking."it was a accident asshole." I said,walking away.I gasped as I was pulled back into his arms ."

I.." he said leaning in,I stared at him was he about to kiss me and why wasn't I stopping him.I held my breath waiting for what would come next." I want a drink." He said talking my cup and drink everything in it.Thats when my senses kicked in what the hell was I doing. I rushed back downstairs away from those eyes those eyes that seemed to stare into my school and made me feel ,no I need to stop thinking about him.I grabbed a cup of alcohol emptying the cup."you ready to dance ."I said to noah.

We swayed to the music his hand on my waist and mine on his neck were moving to the beat our bodies in since it was beautiful I didn't even no what was playing I looked up ,my eyes met the familiar blue eyes he had a cup in his hand and plastic Barbie was dancing on him he didn't seem to even be watching her instead his eyes was on me.

I suddenly felt very hot I turned around facing noah as I let the music take over me I could still feel his eyes on me watching my every move but I didn't care as I focused on noah and how he made me feel. without even thinking about him I pulled him down to my level and kissed him.It felt really really nice I moaned as I ran my hands through his hair.

" we should go to your room." I said whispering in noah's ears.I led him upstairs never spairing lucas a glance. "so this is your room."I said sitting on his bed looking around."yeah." he said,sitting beside me."its nice." I said as I turned to him and kissed him.we couldn't get enough of each other as we kissed hands exploring each other ,I didn't know how I ended up there but soon I was on his lap and he under me.

I stared in his eyes claiming his lips again."we should slow down." He said getting up placing me beside of him."why." I said staring at him ,my lip were swollen and I was flushed."because your drunk and I don't want to take advantage of you." He said."oh." I said." We can just lie here together." He suggested looking at me."what about your party." I said ,"I'd rather be here with you if you don't mind." He said.I blushed staring at him he was so sweet."ok"I said taking off my shoes.To be honest I would rather be here lying beside him too,and even though I wasn't that tired and the music was loud I fell asleep in noah's arms where I felt safe .I yawned as I lied on his chest ,this really nice.


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