Chapter 25

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It was finally Saturday,just any ordinary day.But sadly not everybody felt the same way I did.Some time had passed and I still did call Alex,My aunt didn't talk about him and for that I was grateful.I was going to call him though,but not today.

It was January 26,my birthday,and I wasn't the least bit excited for this day.Ever since my mom died I haven't felt excitement for my birthday,I treated it as if it was any other day.Its been a year since mom died yet it still hurt like it was yesterday.I missed her and I refuse to celebrate my birthday without her.Hence I didn't tell my friends,I asked my aunt not to throw a party even though she insisted.

I told Noah though,"tomorrow's my birthday."I had said."I know."He said holding my hand as we walked to class together."ohh,well I'm not celebrating it ,so just treat it like a normal day.please."I said."If that's what you want,as long as your happy hazel.I care about and I'm here for you."he said,kissing my cheek.I smiled at the memory how did I get so lucky with Noah.

I wasn't planning on doing anything today,maybe I could go into town probably do some shopping.I could ask Jordan if he wanted to come,I knew my aunt wanted to spend time together later so I couldn't go out and get shitface drunk.suddenly my phone rang pulling me out of my thoughts,"happy birthday bitch"sam said as I answered,I smiled sam was always one of the first persons to tell me happy birthday she always made sure I had a lot of fun too.

God I missed her if only she were here with me."thanks sam."I said,"soo what are you doing today."sam asked."well,you know I don't really celebrate my birthday anymore so I'm not sure."I said."ohh I forgot,but you it's okay to celbrate your birthday your mother would want you to celebrate your day maybe its time you started to."she said.

"sam I told you I wasn't celebrating my birthday and thats final I dont need you giving me shit for it okay its my decison to make not yours."I said,immediately I regreted it ,"sam I'm__"

"don't.Ive got to go hazel enjoy your day."she said interrupting me.Before I could say anything she hung up,I tried calling her back but she didn't answer."ughh"I groaned loudly could today get any worse.

"hazel"my aunt called from downsatirs,"coming."I said,"I was shocked to see two officers."yes aunty."I said as I eyed the cops suspicously."Hi,you must be hazel.I'm a friend of your father my name is micheal dehaney.Im sorry to inform you but your father has been in an accident.He was hit by a drunk driver last night,he is stable now but in a coma.I know he would've wanted me to tell you he talked about you all the time."the officer said,I stared dumbfounded not knowing what to think.

I didn't realize I was crying untill my aunt hugged me,I didn't really know the man and the little I knew weren't exactly good.But still it hurt so bad,the thought of losing another parent sacred the hell out of me,even if he was kindof a stranger to me.

I sat in the chair my aunt was talking to the receptionist I tried to prepare myself mentally for what I was going to see."you ready."my aunt said turning to me.I noded not having the voice to answer,together we walked to his room.I stared at him,as he lied there with the tube in his mouth he looked so broken.

Tears streamed down my face,my hands were shaking I was sacred."Its going to be alright."my aunt said.she couldn't promise me that I thought everything was going to be alright then my mom died.I cant stay here,I thought before rushing out the room."hazel where are you going."my aunt said running after me."please leave me alone."I choked out."its alright hazel."my aunt said hugging me.

I cried in her arms wishing this was all one scary nightmare that I would wake up and he would be okay.Why did it hurt so much,I hated this feeling maybe it would've been better if he didn't come into my life,then I wouldn't have to be going throught this.No I can't think that ,because deep down I needed him.

I stepped into the house feeling numb,"hazel,hazel."somebody called me.I opened my eyes,"what."I groaned,it was morning already what happened."happy birthday."my aunt said,I stared at my aunt as if she had two heads."Is something wrong dear are you feeling okay."my aunt said putting down the tray of food .

"What happened did I faint ,what happened to alex.""I said getting up."what do you mean."my aunt said concerned.I tod her what happened."ohh sweetie you had a bad dream nothing is wrong with alex ,you can call him to make sure."my aunt said hugging me.It was just a dream,I sighed relieved though it was such a vivid dream so real.was this a message from above that I should do things differently.

Or maybe it was just a crazy dream I came up with inside my head,whatever it was it sacred me.It also mad me realize that I want to celebrate my birthday I also wanted to call alex."I want to celebrate my birthday today auntie."I said,pulling away."Thats wonderfull sweetheart."my aunt said hugging me again.I smiled knowing she really wanted to throw me a party."and I wanted to call alex."I said pulling away."sure dear anything you want,eat some breakfast aunties got work to do."she said smiling.

That reminds me I have to call sam,I knew she was going to call soon anyway but for some reason even though I found out it was all a dream I still felt guilty,thats weird right."happy birthday bitch."sam said,I laughed remembering the dream."thanks sam."I said."so what are you doing today."she asked.Instead of going off on her loke I did in the dream I said,"well I'm officilaly 18 so I'm a go to the club later and I'm pretty sure my aunts trowing me a party.I wish you were here with me sam."I said.
"me too hazel its nice to here your birthday your mother would be so proud of you.I love you bitch go have enough fun for the both of us."sam said.I smiled ,my mother would be proud of me.
Today was going to be a good day,different than that stupid dream.

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