Chapter 16

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I stared at the paper , Here I was staring at a blank canvas.the paint brush hanged loosely in my hand,where should I start.

Much to my relief today was Saturday my aunt was at work and I was home alone when I suddenly felt the urge to draw.its been a while, I normally get these urges then I'd just draw,it helped me express myself .
It helped me figure things out make sense of my feelings.Ever since mom left I hadn't,lets just say I wasn't inspired.I hated that she wasn't here ,I hated that she left me I hated that I had to move.

This wasn't fair I shouldn't have to deal with this alone but I was t one I had my aunt who I loved I had friends who u cared about.

I stared at the not so blank paper, it was hard to understand but it was how I felt ,I sighed looking at the mess of colours.

"Coming" I said as I headed to the door.I had finally cleaned up the mess I made in the garage and was getting ready to get something tl eat when I heard the bell.

"Can I help you"I said as I opened the door it was a middle aged man with dark brown hair."hello"he said after some time .I looked him this was really weird."hello."I said looking at him annoyed what hell was his deal.

"oh you must be hazel, I'm Alexander you can call Alex."he said."umm do I know you."he said looking at him suspiciously."oh sorry I was a friend of your mother ,is your grandmother here I need to talk to her."he said

"oh she's not here right now do you want to leave a message."I said,he knew my mother that weird she never mentioned him before."ohh that's alright,I guess I'll be going."he said."wait where did you know my mother from exactly."I said stopping him from walking away.

"we went to highschool together she was a great person."he said sympathetically."she was."I said,it hurts thinking about her."I should go."he said looking uncomfortable.

probably he was afraid I was going to burst out in tears."ok."I said not knowing what to say.I closed the door, I suddenly didn't feel like eating even though my stomach was protesting.

"How was the dance."I texted Jordan."It was really nice you should've come."he said."I'm glad you had a good time Jordan."I said smiling."I did, by the way I'm going to this club later I was wondering do you want to come."he asked.

"I don't know Jordan."I said I wasn't really feeling up to it."please hazel ."he said making a sad face."ok ok I'll go." I said."thanks I'll pick you up at 8."he said.
sighing I said,

"sure."."see you soon hazel."he said hanging up.Maybe this wont be so bad ill go out have fun and forget about everything , hopefully.

In the meantime I'll clean up my room,maybe even go through some of my mother's old things .I want to get to know her more what was she like when she was my age.

Mom didn't really talk much about her past and my father for that matter.she always dodged my questions about them or she would say the past is the past.she didn't want to tell me so I stopped asking,it was always me and my mother from I was born and although I sometimes longed for a father or anything close that I learned to live without it.

An overtime It stopped bothering me ,my mother was everything for me she was my father and mother in one and she worked hard to give me a better life.

Thats why I killed me to not have her here with me.Jts sound weird but sometimes I could feel her presence or smell her ,I can't rely explain but I knew deep down she was watching over me.

I stared at the picture of my mother tears falling our my eyes.I love you
Mom I thought, I rest the picture back on the dresser wiping my step for hazel two steps for mom.

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