Chapter 28

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I was outside the school parking lot waiting for Alex he had offered to drive me home.It was weird at first but,I guess he wants to know me more.

"Hazel."Alex said,he was driving his car."hi."I said getting into the car."so how was school."he said existing the parking lot."it's fine."I said , I wasn't really in the mood to talk. Considering everything that happened, I just feel a little drained."are you hungry,we could get something to eat."he said trying to make conversation."sure."I said, I was kind of hungry .

We drove to McDonald's, I was eating my fries thinking about everything, "hey Alex,I have this friend that in a relationship a happy one but she's kissed her boyfriend's brother on multiple occasions. Its very complicated, she loves her boyfriend but she's cheated on him. should she tell him what happened even though she knows he'll be hurt and probably leave her, although she deserves it."I said babbling, why did I tell axel that.

"Wow that's alot,well your friend should sort out her feelings what does she want. but even though she knows it'll hurt the person it's better than lying to then but at the end of the day it's her decision to make, and your friend who am assuming is the same age as you shouldn't be dating.

listen I not the best person to get relationship advice from, just tell her do what feels right and consider other people's feelings during all of this."he said.

Wow that wasn't bad advice Alex,I sipped my drink thinking about what he said.Maybe I should tell Noah it wasn't right to be with him,and then kiss his brother.I wouldn't want to be in his position so I shouldn't do it to him.It was settled I was going to tell Noah,it hurt knowing I was going to loose him.

"It's going to be alright hazel."Alex said squeezing my hand.but it wasn't I was such a bad person

I picked up the chocolate, I was out shopping I knew what was coming it hurt but I had to be strong.I scowled as I saw the valentines decorations, I was never a fan of valentines day .All those happy couples made me sick I paid the cahsier and hurried out that sickening store.

It wasn't that I never celebrated valentines day because I did I remember one year my boyfriend at the time bought me a teddy bear and a box of chocolate ,later that evening I caught him in bed with my friend. The day left a bittersweet taste, from that day I no longer look forward to the day.I mean valentines day isn't that much of a big deal, okay I'm a liar it is for all those goddam sappy  madly in love couples.I had to tell noah it was the right thing to do,that didn't mean it would hurt less, I deserved it ,the pain,the heartache.

I walked back home sulking, I had texted noah saying I needed to talk to him,I knew he would come by the house I would tell him then.

"hazel."noah said as I opened the door,I wiped the tears from my eyes."can we talk."I said leading him upstairs to my room. "is something wrong."he said as we I locked the door.It was time,how was I going to tell him I cheated on him rip the band aid off right,

"I kissed your brother on multiple occasions ,I'm so sorry noah.I don't deserve you I know you wont forgive me but I love you and I'm so sorry for hurting you."I said tears streaming down my face.He stood not moving,"say something."I pleaded touching his arm.He flinched as if I had burned him,"how long."he whispered.

"from before we started dating."I whispered,as the tears fell.he stormed out the room I ran behind him."please talk to me ,yell at me call me a cheater ,a whore."I said,God knows I deserved it."don't fucking touch me,I hate you."Noah said leaving.

I sobbed,falling to the ground I deseved it,I was a liar and a cheater."hazel hazel what happened."my aunt said as she saw me on the floor crying.I cried harder sobbing in her arms.

noah pov:

how could she do this to me, with my brother.I still couldn't believe it how could she no how could they both do this me.Play me,I was such an idiot giving her my heart telling her I loved her,they both must have laughed at me ,God I was such and idiot.

I stormed into the house,"hey bro I was wondering if."lucas said,I punched him square in the jaw."what the fuc-"he said,"how could you."I shouted wiping the tear,I wasn't going to cry I refuse to I was stronger that this.

"I'm sorry noah,I fucked up."he said looking softly,"don't fucking apologize you knew what you were doing lucas,you are a selfish bastard you and that fucking bitch can both go fuck yourselves ,I'm fucking done."I said gettng the hell out of there.I hopped in my carand drove off.I hated both them,they were same they deseved eachother.God I was an idiot,I said punching the wheel.

lucas pov:

I stood there rubbing my jaw,she told him."fuck."I cursed

My brother was right ,I was selfish I should have tried harder ,to stay away from her.I really liked her and shouldn't ,we weren't good for each other or the people around us.It was destructive toixic, I hated it I hated her.I loved my brother,I didn't want to hurt him ever since our parents died all we had was eachother now I'm not sure my brother would ever forgive.God I was such a idiot,I needed a drink.

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