Chapter 29

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"Hazel" my aunt called,I lied in my bed tears stained my sheets.I didn't want to get up,I just wanted to lie here forever.

"hazel" my aunt called from outside my door.I groaned getting up,"yes."I said opening the door.

"don't you use that tone with me youn lady ,now tell me what happened."My aunt said coming in my room.

I told her what happened it hurt to think about but sadly it was all I could do,replay lat night events in my mind over and over again.

"ohh sweety,its going to be ok,life goes on its not the end of the world."she said hugging me.

"I loved him aunty and now he wont speak to me ever again."I said crying."its going to be ok."My aunt said rubbing my back soothingly. As much as I wanted to believe her I couldn't.

All I wanted to do was lie in my bed but my aunt insisted I get out bed,"I have to go to work but I've called alex to come stay with you.

You're not going to school today so you can try catch up on some work.Don't lie in bed all day,Im serious hazel."my aunt had said.

I lay in bed not wanting to get out of my bed,my aunt said not to lie in bed but it was hard.I didn't want to eat I barely got any sleep last night.

"hazel,hazel."my dad called from downstairs,I groaned, dragging my body downstairs to open the door.

"are you alright hazel,your aunt told me what happened."he said coming in the house."I'm ok."I lied going back upstairs and back in my bed.

"wait hazel do you want to talk,or do you want to grab something to eat."he said looking worried.

"honestly alex all I want to do is go back in bed and stay there for the rest of the day and I'm not ok my boyfriend me because I cheated on him with his brother.I feel like shit and I deserve it."I said crying sinking to the  floor.

" you made a mistake hazel,you'll be ok.we're all human we make shitty mistakes but it gets better I promise."alex said hugging me.

And in that moment I believed him that everything was going to be ok,that we would get over this.stupid I know.

Noah pov:

"bro."someone called,my name.I remember I had gone to a party,I didn't even know who was keeping it.All I knew was I wanted to forget about her about them,so I drank I drank I drank till I couldn't remember my name.

I groaned getting up,I knew I had to go home but I didn't want to but I had to,I wasn't going to stay there though.

Our parents owned another housed nearby I would stay there,I could stay with my brother not after what they did.

I pulled up the house,I hoped he wasn't there I didn't want to face him.

I was packing some clothes in a suitcase when I heard him,"noah."he said,I didn't acknowledge is presence just ignored him.

"I'm so sorry noah,you don't deserve this.You don't have to talk to me,but please give hazel a chance to explain ,she really does love you."he said,I scoffed, look at him defending her,I didn't want to talk to either of them ever.

"I love you noah and I kow you probably hate me now and I deserve it but Just know I'm sorry and I never meant to hurt you."he said..

"It's too late for that brother."I said walking away.

I drove away,it had been me and my brother since our parents died in that car crash,we had stayed with our uncle for awhile untill we moved back home.

It hurt that he betrayed me and lied to me ,to me his betrayal hurt more than hers.we were brothers for God sakes I cursed speeding up

It was done and he couldn't take it back no matter how much he apologized, to me.

Lucas Pov:
I knew he wouldn't forgive me,yet I had asked him to forgive her why.

It was because I knew she was hurting,and it was kind of my fault God I was such a pussy.I needed to forget about her she was no good.

I didn't normally fight with my brother but here I was alone in our home all cause of some chick.I hated being put in this position,I cared about them both.But I had to let them go give them time to heal,wow who am I this wasn't me.

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