Chapter 21

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I twirled my pencil around, I was in maths class and the teacher was dicussing a new topic I wasnt paying much attention though instead I was thinking about noah, and the kisses we shared."mrs.henderson."the teacher said calling me.shit what did he want I was clearly not paying attention,"yes sir."I said praying he didnt ask me about the problem on the bord that had no clue how to solve.

"whats the value of x."He said looking at me through his glasses.I looked at the problem,"I don't know."I said,he probably was going to give me detention I thought."pay attention in class ms.henderson."He said turning his attention to the board.I blushed this was so embarrsing I thought,making some notes.

"thinking about loverboy."jordan said,It was lunch time and I was in the library studying for my upcoming test that I just found out about today.."No,I actually have a test coming up."I said putting down my book to look at him."oh sad,do you want help studying."he offered ."sure that would be great."I said,truthfully I needed all the help I could get on this Physics test. Just to put it out there I wasnt good at the subject nor did I like the teacher Mr patterson,but I still wanted to pass hence the studying.

the bell finally rang signaling the end of lunch time,I sighed packing up my things."what class do you have next."jordan asked me getting up."english with mrs.barret."I said,"same."he said,smiling,together we headed to class.


"How was school darling."My aunt said as I entered the car.I was going to catch a ride with jordan when she called saying she was going to pick me up."It was ok."I sair,looking at houses we passed."There's a dinner party my workplace is keeping at the Ornella hotel tommorow night ,would you like to go with me."she said."I would love too."I said smiling,I was glad she asked me it was nice to spend some special time with my aunt and I was really looking forward to this dinner at the famous ornella hotel.

I was in my room studying for my physics,when I heard arguing downsatirs. I went downstairs to see what was going,I was surprised alexander and my aunty arguing,"You need to leave alex."My aunt said,"I'm not going anywhere samantha I think I've been very patient with you."alex said angrily.

"whats going on here."I said, making my presence known."nothing darling go back upstairs."My aunt said ,"tell her or I will samantha."alex said,what the hell was going on."sit down dear I have something to tell you."my aunt leading the living room.I followed her wordesly still trying to figure out was going on betwween them."listen to me carefully the reason we're arguing is because alex here wants to be in your life and I think he shouldn't .His name is alexander zane and he is your father darling."my aunty said holding my hand.

And just like that the world came grumbling down,"what did you say."I said my voice cracking,I was in disbelief this could't  be happening to me everything was finally coming together."he's your father hazel and he doesn't have to be in your life if you don't want him to be.nothing as to change."My aunt said.

"Now thats not fair samantha I deserve to be in her life."he said defending himself."she doesn't want a drunk of a father in her life alex." my aunt said."thats low sam you know I've been clean for ten years now."He said .I sat there numb as the two argued,finally I stood I couldn't stay here.I got up and walked passed the two,"where you going hazel."My aunt said taking my hand."please dont touch me,I think I'll stay at noah's for the night."I whispered, walking away."Please hazel." my aunt pleaded tears spilling from her eyes."I need space."I said opening the door.

I walked over the noah's house it was a miracle I didn't get run over ,my vison was so blurry from the tears I was crying.

I knocked on the door, and waited,when noah answered I stood there unable to talk,"hazel whats wrong."Noah said,in that moment I broke down.I stood there in noah's arms crying with him whispering soothing words in my ear and rubbing my back ,that seemed to make me cry harder.we sitting on the couch and it felt hours when I finally calmed down,"what happened."Noah said handing me a tissue.I told what happened from my first encounter with alex and tonight.

"wow,thats a lot to take in,do want to stay here untill you've cleared your head."he said,"thank you." I said wiping my face.

I was in noah's guestroom. I wanted to take a shower but I didn't  have  anything to wear and I wasn't going to go to my house to get something so noahn offered me a shirt, and a shorts.Iin the mirror I looked the same nothing was different,yet everything felt different I didnt want to  think about what had happened.

yet I couldnt look at myself and see him.The resemblence was uncanny why didnt I see it before, I had his eyes and nose.I cant believe my aunt hid something  like this  from me,why was I just meeting alex did he know about me all this time.what did my aunt mean by andrunk father is that why my mother left him,because  he was a drunk .Is that why she didnt want to talk about him because she was embarrassed.

thses questions  plauged my mind,I washed my face, I shouldn't think about I need to get wome sleep and try to clear my head . tommorow I'll get all the answers to my many questions, I could do this I thought giving myself  a pep talk before heading into the shower.

I lied down on the big bed unable to sleep lucky my room was beside noah's.I got up and went over to his room I looked inside the room,he was probably  sleeping.I walked up to the bed and got on,keeping a safe distance between us."come here."noah said grogily pulling me to him. I sighed as we cuddled,this was nice here in noah's arms I felt safe loved,I fell asleep with thoughts of noah on my mind.But even then it was still on the back of my mind,taunting me.

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