Chapter 14

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"you should stay away from me."he said twirling a strand of hair around his finger."I don't want to." I said as I pulled him to me and kissed him.He grabbed me by my waist pulling me on his lap ,I grinded on him moaning into his mouth.

My body felt like it was on fire,and I loved it."open your eyes hazel."he said huskily."open your eyes"he said as his hand traveled further and further down my body.

"ahh"I gasped as I stared around in the pitch black room.What the hell was that I did not just dream about Lucas, it's official I've lost my mind.

I don't like Lucas I like Noah ,then why was I having  sex dreams about Lucas.I checked the time, it was 3:25 am great I got up and used the bathroom.

I was slightly hesitant to go back to bed fearing I'd have another dream  about Lucas which I didn't want ,sadly I was overpowered by sleep.

"Mrs.henderson, mrs.henderson."someone called,I groaned opened up my eyes.shit I thought as I saw my English teacher Mrs barret standing over me with a scowl on her face I'm definitely getting a detention first I called her a bitch now this.

" Sleeping in class is not permitted."she said looking at me through her glasses.I sighed getting up, "where are going young lady"she said looking at me as I packed my bag "to the principles office."I said looking at her nonchalantly.

"I wasn't going to give you detention miss Henderson but since you insist go on."she said smiling, I was too tired to argue so I just walked out the class.

I swear that woman hates me for some reason and I could think of two.I swear this situation can't get any worse but thats when faith decides to screw with me because guess who I saw.Lucas, immediately I thought back to my dream

seeing him now made it feel a little bit more real, my heartbeat increased I couldn't face him like this.I scanned the area looking for a way to escape , it was as if faith was showing me mercy because at that moment Lucas walked by me without saying a word, I breathed a sigh of relief, maybe it wasn't faith what if Lucas was avoiding me as I was him.

whatever I thought heading to the principal's office.

After my lecture with the principal I walked to my next class feeling relived and well a little bit mad.

Relieved that I didn't get detention but I was kinda mad at the fact that Lucas was avoiding me.I was really mad at myself actually that I let it affect me much but you no what I don't care, he can do whatever he wants.

Well my mood was a little sour for the remainder of the day,ok maybe alot I just couldn't wait till I could go home and get some well needed was such a relief when the bell rang signalling the end of school.

My aunt had picked me up and suggested we go out for dinner I agreed, excited for something new .honestly I was getting tired of the routine stuff it nice to switch up once in awhile.

The rest of my evening was filled with laughs and delicious food two of my favorite things. My aunt and I really bonded I got to know her more and she got to know me more.lucas was at the back of my mind where he belonged and I was happy.

"Thanks for dinner auntie it was really nice."I said we had just arrived home and was beat."your welcome, darling I know you've been stressing with school lately so I thought you could use a break and I did too so thank you also,today was a great day."she said smiling."I love you ."I said pulling her into a hug she reminded me of my mother in that moment and all I wanted to do was hug her and never let her go.

"I loved you too sweetheart."she said hugging me back.maybe it was her words or maybe of was my lack of sleep but in that moment I cried I held on to my aunty and I cried
looking back on it now I thought as I lay in bed it felt really good as if a burden was lifted off my shoulders.My aunty was right it was a great day for the most part at least I thought as I closed my eyes.

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