chapter 3

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"so how was your first day of school" my aunt Samantha asked me as I came home from school." its was okay." I said heading upstairs to my room. "really that's all you're going to give me." Samantha said I paused mid step on the stair. ."yeah, it was just like a normal boring uneventful school day, can I go now." I said rolling my eyes. I mean I wasn't trying to be rude, maybe it sounded rude out loud but I honestly just wanted to be alone was that too much to ask.

"great now I sounded like a bitch. "I'm sorry." I whispered ." no its ok ,you can go." she said sadly. I raced up the stairs, it wasn't my aunties fault I was behaving like a bitch, I just really missed my mom.I wished she was here ,I put my bag down as I was about to do whatever when I got a call from peter.

shit I whispered as I stared at the phone. peter was an old boyfriend I had that got a little how should I say this crazy. he was totally obsessed with me and I'm not talking staking your Instagram crazy I'm talking taking pictures of you, following you .

I had threatened that I would call the police but then he said sorry and he would stop why I was so surprised because one I haven't heard from him in ages thank god and I didn't give him my number I debated weather or not I should answer, no you idiot the voice said in my head .

finally the phone stopped ringing. I jumped as I heard the doorbell, that couldn't be him right what was I thinking there's no way he could be here, could he. the doorbell kept ringing. "coming" I heard my aunt say. I jumped, as if I was brought back to earth .

I rushed downstairs. "ill get it" I said as I race down the stairs." can I help you." I said as I was met with green eyes, he had broad shoulders and his face looked handsome, he had on a whited tee-shirt I could practically see his abs printing out.

I think I was drooling."hello" he said waving his hand in front of my face."what did you say" I said blushing ,shit how long was I staring. I bet I looked like a thirst ho. "hazel I see you've met Noah a good friend of mine. Noah this is my niece hazel, she's going to be living with me from now on" auntie said smiling.

"nice to meet you hazel" he said shaking my hand. After awhile he let go I blushed even harder. "you too." I said.""noah coming in what can I help you with. "aunt said ." oh I forgot I wanted to return the hammer you lent me." he said, I've been staring at him so much I didn't even realize he had a hammer in his hand.

"oh thank you dear, do you want to stay for dinner." aunt said taking the hammer. "no thank you Ms. Samantha I have some homework to finish up, but maybe next time." he said smiling, he had such a pretty smile."ok dear,if you say so, next time" auntie said, heading back to the kitchen. I was about to leave too when he said," you know you could take a picture." ."what" I replied turning back around.

"your drooling so much, I think you want a picture sweetcheeks."he said smirking."you asshole,first of all I wasn't drooling and next why the hell would I want a picture of your ugly ass." I said, I cant believe him such a jerk a handsome jerk. snap out of it hazel." if you say so sweetcheeks." he said heading to the door."thats not my name."I said,ughh what a asshole.I headed to the kitchen, maybe my aunt wanted help.

" he is a nice boy you know just been through a lot ,you would be good for him." auntie said peeling the potatoes. "auntie" I said looking at her laughing she is making it seem like I should marry the guy."what,its the truth." she said laughing along with her."well I'm ok." I said cutting up the tomatoes."ok dear" she said smiling. I chuckled auntie was real funny, I'm not going to lie he looked really good,but he is a jerk and I'm not here for a relationship right now. I just want to be that sounded sad you know what I don't care let me be sad and lonely.who cares anyway.

" how was today did you meet anyone you like." auntie asked me as we sat around the table eating." there was this guy jordan he seemed pretty cool." I said, twirling my fork in the pasta."oh,thats nice you should invite him over sometime." auntie said." maybe ." I replied.

we didn't really talk much after that, I liked my aunt she didn't really pressure me to talk, I think she wanted to get closer to me faster but she was taking it at my pace I really admired that about her.

I stared at the tv my aunt had suggested we watched a movie,I didn't really want to but her eyes lit up when she asked me I didn't want it to dim so I agreed she asked me what I wanted to watch ,I just told her to pick whatever she wanted to, the movie had ended ,I wasn't really pay attention it was a rom com( romantic comedy). debated weather should wake auntie, finally decided to just leave her.I covered her with the blanket was about to go up when kissed her on the cheek. "thanks auntie." whispered,wow the one time I showed emotional connection with her she was asleep.great going hazel. headed upstairs.

I wondered what sam was doing, from I moved I didn't actually text her.I took out my phone,hey I texted her. afterawhile of waiting and I didn't get a response I turned of the phone and decided to get some sleep.

"ugghh" I groaned what was that ringing sound, somebody please turn it off. feeling frustrated I got up, I realized it was my phone I looked at the caller id it was sam.

" hello." I said drowsily wiping the sleep from my eyes."hi, did I wake you." sam said." no" I lied."oh good how are you." she asked."I'm ok I guess."I said."how was your first day." she said."boring really, but did meet this guy ,jordan ." I said."ohh is he cute." she said." I guess I don't really look at him like that plus I think he's gay." I said jokingly.

"ohh so no cute guys, sad I was actually looking forward to hear about all the hot guys." she sad laughing."well there was this guy noah a total hottie but he is a jerk." I said remembering our encounter. "tell me everything." she said."there's nothing tell." I said." really hazel, I'm your bestfriend,if you don't tell me ill hang up and never speak to you again." she said.

"sam" I said groaning."hazel"she said mimicking my tone."ok ok ill tell you." I said ,I told her about my encounter with the jerk I left out the part I taught it was peter at the door." "he sounds like a jerk,a hot jerk though." sam said no doubt smiling."yeah."I said."I really miss you hazel." sam said."I miss you too." I said." anyways get some sleep later we'll talk." sam said." yeah." I said yawning. I hanged up the phone it was really nice talking to sam it reminded me of the old days.

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