Chapter Twenty Three

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Season Two Episode Thirteen: Blackout

"We gotta act fast," Shiro said. "The power will only be down for twenty minutes. The Blade of Marmora schematics show four targets we need to hit. The weapons system, the engines, the bridge, and the shield generator. Now let's put an end to Zarkon once and for all. Form sword!"

They flew around, destroying various parts of the ship including the engines.

"Stay focused," Shiro warned. "We've neutralized the engines, let's aim for the bridge now."

"What is that?" Lance asked as a ball of energy formed beneath them.

"Get away," Millie warned. "Get away!"

It struck them and everything went black.


She woke up shortly after, unable to move her lion and watching as a suit that looked suspiciously like Zarkon grew closer to them.

"You must get moving!" Allura warned. "Remember your training. Remember all the battles you've been through!"

"Voltron's still not responding," Shiro said. He grunted and then started breathing heavily. "It's Zarkon."

"Yeah, no shit the Zarkon looking robot is Zarkon," Millie responded sarcastically.

"Listen to me," Allura said. "You are true Paladins now. Connect with your Lions, reach out to each other. Fight! This cannot end now!" The castle shot at Zarkon, and Allura screamed as the beam got redirected to her.

"Allura!" Shiro shouted. "Everybody, listen. We have to fight. We have to channel our energy. Visualize six becoming one. We have to focus everything we have into moving Voltron. We are the last thing standing in the way of Zarkon's total universal domination. I'm not giving up that fight! Are you, Hunk?"


The yellow lion powered up.



The green Lion powered up.


"Let's go down swinging!"

The blue lion powered up.


"I'm all in."

The red lion powered up.


"I'm ready to fight!"

The white Lion powered up.

"Then let's get Voltron back into this battle!"

The black lion powered up.

The formed the sword, trading hits with Zarkon for a bit.

"Let's hit him with the big guns," Shiro commanded. "Hunk, shoulder cannon!"

"Yes, sir!"


Another beam of energy shot at them, but they dodged this one only to get kicked by Zarkon, everyone grunting at the impact.

"We've never faced anything this powerful before," Pidge said.

"One way or another, this may be our last battle," Shiro said. "We've gotta give everything we have. Dig deep, and fight!"

They continued to fight, matching Zarkon blow for blow and then some which he dodges or shielded himself from. Shiro was grunting and groaning, explaining that Zarkon was trying to control his lion.

"Fight it Shiro," Keith encouraged.

They managed to stab through Zarkon's Armour, only to get pushed back and electrified by Zarkon's bayard. Everyone yelled as they were forcefully disbanded.

Shiro wasn't responding when Keith called out to him, so everyone decided to attack Zarkon and sistract him while Millie took the Black Lion away until Shiro woke up. Hoping he would wake up soon, Millie used her Lion's jaw to dig into the Black Lion's hull and drag it away with little difficulty.

She finally heard Shiro waking up, the other lions and Paladins getting destroyed by Zarkon, and caught him up to speed.

Shiro was breathing heavily, but he rushed at Zarkon and gasped when he phased through him.

"What happened?" Millie asked.

"I got Zarkon's bayard," Shiro said.

"You mean your Bayard," Keith corrected.

"C'mon, we only got a few minutes left before power returns to Zarkon's ship. Form Voltron!" Shiro yelled.

They formed Voltron, going back to trading hit after hut with Zarkon once more, and suddenly Coran's voice came through the comms.

"Hello Paladins!" he greeted.

"You're alive!" Hunk cheered.

"Is everyone okay?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah I'm fine," Salv said. "Don't worry guys!"

"Oh, great," Lance said sarcastically. "Slav made it."

"The power on Zarkon's ship is returning," Coran warned. "We need to get out of here! I'm going to get Allura."

"This is our last chance," Shiro said. "Let's finish this!"

Without Zarkon having his weapon, he was easier to defeat. With one well-placed stab to the abdomen, Zarkon grabbed the head of Voltron and used his power on them but it was too late. Zarkon was supposedly dead. The lion's all disbanded by themselves in the blast.

"Did we do it?" Lance asked. Millie had a horrible feeling in her stomach, telling her to check up on Shiro.

"I have Allura and Kolivan," Coran said. "We need to go."

Everyone started flying back to the ship, everyone except Shiro. Millie grabbed him and flee him back to the Hangar, and they wormholed away.

Keith ran to the black lion, having saw that Shiro wasn't moving, wanting to check inside.

Inside was the Black Bayard, but not Shiro.

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