Chapter Fourty Four

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Season Seven Episode Two: The Road Home

Everyone was sitting around when Pidge returned from her lion after trying to contact Earth. Shiro asked how it went and Pidge reported no luck.

"The low power levels are probably affecting our broadcast distance," she said. "I'll keep trying as we head for Earth."

"I can't believe we're finally going home," Lance said.

"I'm gonna hug my parents and never let go," Hunk said.

"I cant wait to see how my dad integrated Altean and Earth technologies together," Pidge said. "I bet he came up with something amazing! And my mom--" She paused. "She's gonna be so mad at me for running away. I hope I'm not grounded."

"How long do you think it'll take us to get home?" Keith asked Coran.

"I was just calculating that now," Coran said. "Without the luxury of a wormhole, and with diminished power cores..." He began muttering math equations. "Ah! It's going to take us approximately a hundred and fifty thousand Earth years!"

Everyone gasped.

"A hundred and fifty thousand Earth years?!" Keith shouted.

"Coran, I think your finger counting is a bit off," Pidge said. "It's gonna be a year and a half." Everyone sighed in relief.

"Oh right! I didn't carry the three."

"It's going to be a long and difficult voyage," Allura said. "But it's our only chance to replace the Castle of Lions."

"There were times when I thought I'd never see Earth again," Shiro said. "To be able to go back--"

"Well what are we waiting for guys?" Lance cut in, shouting. "Let's hit the space road!"

"I suppose we need to figure out who's flying with whom," Krolia said.

"And what about the animals?" Coran asked.

"What about 'em?" Pidge asked.

"Well, the wolf can't go with Kaltenecker because wolves eat cows, and the cow can't be in the same area as the mice because aren't cows afraid of mice?"

"I'm pretty sure the mice thing is Copperajahs, Coran," Millie said. "And it's a myth anyways."


"Yeah!" Lance said. "They're giant, metal animals with long noses that dig things."

"Giant?" Allura asked. "With long, grabbing noses? Earth seems so strange."

"It's probably different from what you're thinking, Allura," Millie said. "I think they're cute. Especially Cufants."

"The wolf is riding with me," Keith said. "But that means Hunk will have to take the cow."

"Me with the cow?" Hunk asked. "Not a good idea."

"Hunk's right," Lance said. "Keith, you're keeping the cow. Someone else is gonna have to take the wolf." Lance and Hunk looked to Pidge.

"Not me, I'm allergic," Pidge said, despite not having shown any problems with the wolf before.

"I'll take the mice," Allura offered.

"How come you get the smallest passengers?" Keith asked.

"I say we go old school and draw straws," Hunk said.

"I have a better idea," Millie said. "Whoever doesn't take the cow has to take Coran."

"I'll take the cow!" Everyone suddenly yelled.

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