Chapter Fourty Three

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Season Seven Episode One: A Little Adventure

Everyone was in the Black Lion, discussing not only Shiro's condition but also how to get the Lions recharged. It seemed the main way to recharge them would be through the castle, but that was obviously out of the equation.

Another option was to wait, but Coran said that it could take years for then to recharge by just waiting.

"There's gotta be something we can do," Keith said.

"Well, we are on the Dalterian belt," Coran said. "Home to the element faunatonium. We may be able to use it as a temporary solution." He then went on to explain that they would use the faunatonium to make the power in the cores expand and therefor refill the energy. "But first, we're gonna need a yalmor."

"Wait, there are yalmors on this planet?" Hunk asked.

Coran scoffed. "Well how do you think we find the faunatonium? Yalmors have a nose for the stuff."

"Okay, you guys find the faunatonium, I'll stay here," Keith said, obviously wanting to keep an eye on Shiro. Krolia put a hand on his shoulder, silently telling him she would stay, too.

"I'll stay as well," Allura said. "I may have exhausted the limits of what I learned on Oriande, but I still might be able to help in some way."

"I'll stay too," Millie said. She stepped up to Keith, who took her hand and squeezed it lightly.

"We'll go get started, then," Coran said. Everyone who was going to find the faunatonium began leaving, Romelle sticking behind for a moment.

"Wait," she said. "You just fought Lotor, defeated him, stopped an explosion that could have destroyed reality, took your friend's consciousness from the Black Lion of Voltron and put it in his clone's body, and now we're simply moving on?"

"It's easier if you don't question it and keep your mind busy," Millie assured her, gicibg her a quick pat on the back. Everyone agreed with her. With that, everyone left.

"He's going to be okay, Keith," Allura said after a minute.

"I hope so."


"You should tell him," Krolia said, joining Millie outside.

Millie was watching her Pokémon run around outside of the Black Lion, keeping an extra close eye on Scout who was excitedly running around and sniffing things.

"I don't know how," she sighed.

"You need to just rip the bandage off and get it over with if you ask me," Krolia said. "It'll be nerve-racking at first, but it'll feel better to get it off your chest."

"I know."

Krolia sat down next to her, both of them sitting in silence for a bit.

"Try and tell him soon, at least."

And she headed back into the Lion.


"I'm afraid the clone body is rejecting Shiro's consciousness," Allura said, the machine slowly beeping along to Shiro's heartbeat.

"There must be some way you can help!" Keith said, beginning to panic.

"There's nothing I can do..."

Keith pounded on the pod. "Shiro, please. Fight!" He began crying as Millie put a hand on his back. "You can't do this to me again."

The pod began beeping faster before opening up, Shiro coughing slightly.

"Shiro!" Keith cheered.

"Keith...?" Shiro asked. "I was dreaming. You saved me."

Keith surged forwards, wrapping Shiro in a hug. "We saved each other," he said.

The doors opened up and the rest of the group rushed in.

"Shiro's looking better!" Lance cheered. "All right!"

"Where we're you guys?" Millie asked. "We couldn't get a hold of you."

"Well we ended up getting shrunk by a skunk, but we used that sparkly dust that makes stuff bigger or whatever--"

"I actually don't want to know. Forget I asked."

Lance shook his head. "Ready to charge up the lions?" he asked.

Shiro sighed and chuckled. "It's good to be back."

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