Chapter Four

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Season One Episode Two: Some Assembly Required

Millie scrunched up her face as Dallas insisted on licking it. She turned over to try and go back to sleep, but her Luxray just jumped up on her bed and continued.

She sighed, giving in, and sat up. She yawned, stretched, and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she looked around her room. Scout was laying at the foot of the large bed, Dallas probably slept right next to her, and her new Zorua was laying in the corner of the room by the door.

"C'mere," Millie called, hoping to get the Zorua to go over to her. The Zorua looked up at the human girl from where she was curled up in the corner and sniffed, laying her head back down.

Millie got up and walked over to the Zorua, picking her up and cradling her in her arms. "We need to name you," she rd the Zorua.

The tiny creature struggled to escape, but it was no use. She eventually just gave up and slumped over, giving in to Millie and her name-giving.

"You need a sassy name," Millie decided. "What about... Lauren?" The Zorua glared at her new trainer. "Okay... Lillian?" She looked away from the girl, obviously unimpressed with the name.

"Blake?" Millie suggested. The Zorua contemplated for a bit. The Zorua seemed happier about the name than the other options, and her tail started wagging ever so slightly.

"Okay, Blake it is," Millie said. She put the Zorua down, and Blake walked back over to the corner. "Blake, I can tell you're not happy about any of this, but don't you agree that it's at least better than living in that cave all by yourself?"

Blake flattened her ears against her head, and Millie took that as a sign that she didn't agree. "I can let you roam around the castle a bit, but you have to promise me something," Millie said, crouching down to the floor. Blake's ears perked up a bit at the mention of free roam around the castle. "You have to stay close enough that I can see you, at least until I know that I can trust you." Blake's ears dropped again.

"Do you agree?" Millie asked. The Zorua sighed before nodding. "Great! I'll be leaving Dallas out, though, so that he can help me keep an eye on you."

Millie stood back up, ready to start preparing for the day. Everyone was going to train, so Millie's Pokémon were excited to see how their Trainer would do.

Millie started getting ready for the day, and as soon as she grabbed her bayard alarms started going off. Scout jumped up and ran over to Dallas, hiding by him.

"Everybody up, Zarkon's attacking!" Allura yelled over the speakers. "The castle is about to be destroyed! We need Voltron! Now!"

Millie returned Blake and Scout to their Pokéballs, leaving Dallas to run with her to the control room. Even though Millie new that, given there was no noise other than Allura screeching and alarms blaring, it was just a test, she still didn't want to be late.

Millie got there first, and got to watch everything that went down as the others probably raced to get there. Coran grabbed the mic, supposedly with the intention to show Allura how it was done, but started over-dramatizing it. If the others hadn't figured out that it was a test before, they were sure to.

"Coran," Allura said.

"Yes Princess? What is it? I'm listening," Coran said.

"It's over," Allura said. All the alarms shut off and stuff as Allura noticed everyone else.

"I know! If only Voltron had been formed!" Coran said. He looked up and noticed everyone. "Oh. Time!"

"I'm guessing this isn't an actual attack," Shiro said.

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