Chapter Eleven

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Season One Episode Ten: Collection and Extraction

Millie woke up to the crushing weight of Dallas and Scout laying on top of her, but something felt off. There was too much weight for just Dallas and Scout, even if Blake had decided to join them.

Millie's eyes slowly opened to see four Pokémon draping themselves over both her and Keith, who had apparently decided to join her.

Dallas and Scout were both laying on top of her- Dallas with his head resting on Keith who Millie was cuddled into-, but Keith's Pokémon were also spread out on the bed. His Ninetales was curled up on top of both Millie and Keith, draping herself over Dallas, and Millie could feel Keith's Poochyena laid over her feet, probably Keith's feet too.

She struggled to escape from both being under the four Pokémon, and away from Keith, who had his arms wrapped around her. She could only imagine what Keith went through that night, as Millie was known to wiggle around and sometimes even kick in her sleep, even despite sharing a bed with a giant Luxray for several years.

Millie sighed as she found her attempt at escape to be useless, only resulting in Keith holding onto her tighter and both Dallas and Keith's Ninetales spreading out to stay on top of both humans. She looked at the two large Pokémon and saw Keith's Ninetales looking directly at her.

"Could you please move?" Millie asked the kitsune. "I need to get ready for the day."

The fox only shifted her position.


Millie sat on the floor of the control room. Everyone was talking about Sendak's memories, so she wasn't really interested, and instead was trying to work with Blake.

The small fox-like Pokémon still showed no signs of wanting to bond with her trainer, but she at least wasn't trying to escape at every possible moment.

Dallas was laying on his side a little ways away, and Scout was jumping around him trying to get him to play. Eventually the Luxray lifted a paw and knocked her over, and she just laid there, not knowing how to respond.

Millie got up and walked over to where the others were. She had no idea what was going on, so she wasn't very interested in what they were saying, but she kept her eyes locked onto the screen. The words and numbers morphed around so that they made sense as they had done multiple times before, and she couldn't help but notice the repeating patterns of numbers.

"Hey Pidge," Millie said. Pidge looked up at Millie and Millie pointed at the screen. "Send me the numbers. I have something I want to try."

Pidge shrugged and did as Millie asked. Millie hopped into her seat and brought up the screen, starting to do things. Pieces clicked into place and after a bit of deciphering, rearranging, and analyzing, she was left with coordinates.

"Let's go here and see what we can do," Millie said. She sent the coordinates to where Coran worked.

"Excellent deduction skills, Millie!" Coran said enthusiastically. Millie muttered a thanks before picking up Scout, who was still attempting to play with Dallas, who didn't look happy.

Coran put in the controls and a picture appeared on the front screen. Three planets were there, but no sort of base.

"Maybe I did something wrong," Millie said. She went through the entire process again, but she was left with the same coordinates. "Okay, or maybe not."

"Maybe you just lead us to a top secret base hidden in Sendak's memories," Pidge suggested.

"Well, there's only one way to find out," Allura said. She opened up a wormhole and the team went through it.

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