Chapter Eight

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Season One Episode Seven: Return to the Balmera

"We'll be arriving at the Balmera soon," Allura informed everyone. "Liberating these Balmerans from Zarkon's grasp will not be easy."

"So what's the plan?" Lance asked after a moment of silence. "We go in and there and- Pow! Pow! Pow!- free the prisoners?"

"What was that sound?" Keith asked.

"Laser guns," Lance said.

"No Lance, I think you mean Brow! Brow! Brow! Phhhh, bchow!" Hunk said.

"That sounds like fireworks," Lance said, glaring at his friend.

"Technically, it's more like ba-choo, ba-choo, ba-choo," Pidge told everyone.

"Alright, enough with the bad sound effects!" Shiro yelled. "Besides, it's more like blam! Blam! Blam!" Millie shook her head at their childishness.

"Paladins, focus!" Allura said.

"Anyways, we can't just shoot at the Galra. It's, like, alive and it's already doing bad enough, we don't need to make it feel worse," Hunk told everyone. Millie pushed her bangs out of the way as they inched towards her eyes.

"Yes," Coran said. "It's an atrocity what the Galra have been doing to the poor creature. Stealing its crystals, it's very life force, without ever performing the rejuvenation ceremony."

"Seeing what the Galra have done to this planet has made me realise just how bad this Zarkon guy really is," Hunk said. "And we're the only ones who can stop him.

"Okay, so we can't go into the tunnels guns blazing," Shiro said. "Plan b, we draw the Galra out of the tunnels and fight them out there."

"If we attack the mining stuff on the surface, they'll have to come out of the tunnels to defend it," Millie suggested. "We fight and then head into the tunnels to take out anyone else that might be hiding in there, and save the Balmerans, and then hopefully the Balmera."

"Sounds like a plan, Millie. Nice thinking," Shiro said, smiling at her. "Now everyone to your lions."

They all did as they were told and headed to their lions.

"You think that after we free the Balmerans they'll have a parade for us?" Lance asked.

"It's not about the glory, Lance, it's about freeing prisoners from Zarkon," Keith told him.

"No, I know, I know, but-" Lance was cut off by the Blue Lion flying out of its hangar really quickly.

Once they were all out, a bunch of the defences started firing at them. Millie did a bunch of weaving and barrel rolls to avoid oncoming lasers.

"This is it, get your heads in the game," Shiro said. "Remember, the Balmera is a living creature. Make sure you pinpoint only the Galra defences and not its surface."

Pidge split off from the group, activating an invisibility cloak so that she could drop sensors into some of the tunnels. Millie shot around from one place to the other, concentrating on ramming into defences and mining tools.

"This isn't very effective. What can I use to take them out?" she asked herself. Her lion showed her a feature as if to answer her question. "This should do."

She pressed the button and a blade formed in her lion's mouth. She flew around, cutting through machines and they blew up behind her. She cheered at the pure adrenaline from her fight, even though it wasn't that intense.

"All sensors delivered," Pidge said.

"Oh no," Millie heard Keith say over the comms. She looked over to see a big defensive weapon falling down, and it looked like it had been melted straight through which was what caused it to fall.

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