Chapter Thirteen

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Season Two Episode One + Two: Across the Universe + The Depths

Millie, despite having crashed on a strange planet with no way to know where she was, or where her team was, stumbled out of the cockpit of her lion, and onto the plush blue-green grass of the planet she was on. Her vision was slightly blurred from the crash and she could almost feel her consciousness trying to flee from her.

"A female beta?" a voice whispered from behind her.

Millie pushed herself up and looked around, trying to find the owner of the voice, but she could barely see anything except for terrain.

"Do you think she has a mate yet?" another voice whispered.

"Of course she has a mate! You can smell an alpha scent on her!" yet another hissed.

"But it's faint and Galra," someone else pointed out. "Nobody would just allow a galra to claim them, and she could put up a fight. Look at her!"

"Hello?" Millie called out. "I don't know where I am. Can someone help me?"

With that, someone materialized in front of her. They stood at about nine feet tall, had dark skin and dirty blonde hair, and a well-built yet feminine figure. The woman's cat-like eyes fixated on her.

"Hello, darling," she said. "Don't mind them. They're just excited to see another beta, specifically a female beta."

"What does that mean?" Millie asked. "Who are you? Where am I?"

"My name is Hyria, and I can assure you that there is no need to be afraid," the woman replied. "Please, allow me to take you back to our village. There you will get some proper treatment for any injuries you may have gotten in your crash."

Not knowing what else she could do, Millie accepted the offer. A couple dozen more people materialized after Hyria made a certain gesture, each one varying in size, shape, gender, and looks. They all shared abnormally large heights by human standards, easily ranging anywhere from seven feet to ten, their cat eyes, and the same basic outfits.


Hyria had taken Millie to the opening of a cave. Every so often on the trip, people would go up to Millie and sniff her, but after a simple glare from Hyria they would back off.

"Our village is in here," Hyria said, motioning to the cave entrance.

"Why in a cave?" Millie asked. Hyria looked to the seemingly small, silvery cave.

"After we were driven from our home planet by the Galra, we took up refuge here. The planet is mostly abandoned except for a few different animal species, which made it easy for us to create a home here with little to no interference from any locals," Hyria explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Millie apologized. Hyria shook her head.

"Don't be. This planet is more than enough for us. It took a bit for us to get used to how unadvanced the planet is, but we're happy here."

Millie opene her mouth to ask something else, but shut it after deciding against it. Instead, she followed Hyria into the small cave opening, and the magical barrier washed away as soon as she stepped inside.

Instead of a dark, dingey cave, Millie found herself standing in the middle of a beautiful pathway inside the cave. Glowing crystals on the ceiling illuminated the silvery walls in an assortment of calming hues, ranging anywhere from light blue, to pale purple, and even a pastel pink.

Along the pathway, a lot of different plants thrived in the soil inside the cave. Ferns and flower bushes lined the path, separated from the path by a barrier made from smooth, soft pink oval rocks, and flowing vines grew on the wall of the cave.

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