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Its just as we're finishing up with the case that I get a call. We just arrived back, the trial is tomorrow and I need to get home to Amity as soon as possible. I flip open the phone as I get a call, its our home phonenumber.

"Tell me Doctor Reid, do you think money can buy you happiness?" the voice at the other end of the phone sends chills down my spine.

"Who is this?" I ask, but I have no need to. I know who it is, what I want to know is how the fuck he is my house.

"You know who it is." he chuckles darkly. I feel bile rise up in my throat. "What you really should ask is how, Doctor Reid what you will learn in the next stage of your life is that money might not be able to buy you happiness, but it can get you pretty much anything you want. Now, you will be hearing from me shortly, you will just love the next installment."

The phone clicks dead.

For a moment I am unsure of what has happened, the room spins around me,

"Dispatch police to my house now!" I scream at Hotch and the others as I race from the room to my car. I drive to mine recklessly, with no regard for anything or anyone else. I feel sick. All I can hear is how hard my heart is beating, the blood thudding in my ears. Its too implausable, there's no way he could even get near here, let alone- I think about what he says, I know all too well just what money can get you and his dad seemed to have infinite amounts.

I don't even turn the car off as I pull up to the house, I leave the door open as I rush in. There's no signs of a struggle, no mess, no nothing. Even though I know its frivolous I call her name as I race through from room to room.

"Amity, Am." I shout, but there's nothing. Not a sound. In the distance I can hear the sirens of the cops Hotch had dispatched, but it was too late. I look around the room once more and I see Amity's phone on the kitchen table. I walk slowly over to it and click the button on the top. My knees give way as I see the message left on there.

Not this time. From Finlay and Amity

The polaroid camera I'd gotten for us sits on the worktop. A picture of a hand around Amity's throat. My knees give way and I sink to the floor and start to sob, clutching her phone to my chest. This is how the team find me, curled up in a ball, crying my heart out.

"What is it, whats happened to Amity, where is she?" Garcia asks, trying to uncurl me from the fetal position. I can barely speak, I just hand them the phone and picture.

"Thats not possible." I hear Hotch murmur. I feel Garcia drop to her knees beside me, pulling me to her.

"We'll find her Reid, I promise you, we'll get this bastard." she whispers fiercly into my ear.

Be Safe (Criminal Minds/Spencer Reid x OC romantic Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now