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I don't sleep much, a couple of minutes here and there but nothing that really counts. I lie on my back, staring at the ceiling. I think about what I'd be doing if this hadn't have happened to me. I'd be lying in bed, worrying about starting college on Monday, I was going to study social care and child psychology, I wanted to be a councilor. I need to stop thinking that I'm going to die. Spencer is trying, and Jesus that boy is bright.

I think back to our conversation, my initial thought of him being sure of himself was slightly wrong, although when he said facts he was confident as anything, but his opinions and feelings on things he stumbled over his words and it was obvious he felt slightly awkward, but I also noticed his awkwardness was similar to mine. Although I am a lot more confident, I used to be a fairly socially awkward person, I had a difficult time discussing most things with pretty much anybody, and I get that feeling from Spencer. However, I felt like we could have continued talking for hours on end, in despite of that.

I was completely unaware of the time, I felt dizzy not knowing what time of day it is, how much time was passing, how long I'd been here. It all hurt my head. My stomach gives out ridiculously loud rumbles, it almost groans, needing to be fed. I wish I'd eaten that pizza dad had ordered, even though I hate pineapple. My heart spasmped with pain as I thought of my dad. I closed my eyes and started to play out the whole of the Hairspray movie in my head. It was the film I liked to watch when I was sad. It actually worked as a distraction technique.

An unknown amount of time later I hear a key in the door and it is flung open and light, which was clearly only morning light, was thrown across the room. I squinted as the same man from yesterday flicked the lights on and locked the door.

"Morning" he said. I say nothing, closing my eyes, ignoring him. Remembering what Spencer said. "Hey, bitch, I said good morning."

I hear him walk closer to me, right until he's beside my bed. His fingers grab my hair and pull me until I sit up. I don't make a sound.

"Look at me" he growls in my ear before yanking my head back. I look at him. "You were meant to meet the rest of the team today, but they had other business to attend to, so I got you all to myself."

I don't say anything, my face doesn't change, my expression is completely blank. I can see his dark eyes grow even darker with anger. He opens mouth to say something and before he does I roll my eyes and sigh. His grip on my hair tightens but he doesn't say what he was going to before. He stands up, letting go of my hair only to roughly pull me up. He drags me over to the boxes in the corner and my heart races as I expect him to pull out the phone, but he maneuvers me around them, throwing me against the wall. It only takes me a minute to realise there's a basic shower attached to the wall, with a drain in the floor.

"Shower." He barks. I look at him, unable to stop myself reacting. He smirks at this, leaning behind the boxes and throwing me a towel before he sits on it. "Strip and shower, or I swear I'll make you wish I'd killed you along with your parents."

I didn't know what to do; I don't think this would be the right time to push him.

My fingers shake as I undo my clothes; I take off the top and bottoms but keep on my bra and pants.

"I'm not taking these off," I say, glad to see once again my voice doesn't portray my true fear.

"Who is giving the orders here?"

"Kill me then, I'm not taking these off"

I see him deliberate in his head. He shrugs and motions for me to turn the tap on. I do, my hands not as steady as my voice. The water is surprisingly warm. I feel his eyes on me as I step under the stream. I don't know what to do. I attempt to clean the blood off of my cheek, I can't see it but I know its still there. I clean my legs and arms, covered in dirt but I am unsure how. The man gets up and leaves suddenly, locking the door behind him. I quickly wash everywhere and turn the tap off. I wrap myself in the towel and dry myself off.

Be Safe (Criminal Minds/Spencer Reid x OC romantic Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now