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so very short, so very very short. But I'm sorry, I've been so stuck with this story... idk. I'm hoping for some inspiration


"How's Atticus?" I ask Amity. She's had him now for three weeks and we both adored him. There had only been a few accidents, other than them he was a dream dog. I was currently in Phoenix on case and Amity's voice sounded calmer than usual.

"He is curled up in your spot on the bed." she sighs. "I met the next door neighbours son today, Damon." She tells me. Amity had spent a lot of time getting to know our neighbours. The people to our left were a middle aged couple with a twenty year old son. He'd been travelling and we had yet to meet him, but his mother spoke of him highly, and completely doted on Amity.

"Really, whats he like?"

"He's awesome, he's an artist too, he draws comics and animation. And his music taste is exactly like ours, seriously, he's so cool." She begins to talk about the afternoon she spent with 'Damon'. I feel a strange feeling stir, its like jealousy but not quite. I'd seen pictures of him, he was handsome: tall and muscular with black hair and big green eyes. It was good Amity was making friends, but the niggling in my head wouldn't stop.

"That's great, can't wait to meet him." I say as she finishes. Despite myself her excitement is infectious.

"I can't wait either baby, I miss you." she sighs. I close my eyes and lie back into the hotel pillows, the same amount of longing in her voice that I am feeling.

"I miss you too, are you wearing my shirt?"

"Of course I am."


"You look like crap, boy genius." Morgan says as I sit down in our makeshift office. I ignore him, gulping down more of my coffee and taking a seat. I rifle through the papers in my bag. I'd been away from home for over a week and I'd gotten a call from Garcia late last night.

"Whats wrong?" I answered immeadiately.

"Look, okay." I knew Garcia well, knew the tones of emotion in her voice but I didn't recognise this one. "Before I go into it, know Amity is fine." I feel panic seep into me. "I got a call and all I could hear was her, like, sobbing but breathless. I drove as fast as I Can to yours, let myself in and found the dog barking up a storm. I follow him and find Amity on the bedroom floor, and she can't breathe."


"It was just a panic attack, she's fine now. I calmed her down and she's asleep with Atticus, but thats not the problem, the problem is what caused it."

"What was it?"

"The letter that completely confirms the court date that she's been prearing for this whole time, the one you forgot to tell her about, you complete idiot." she hisses at me down the phone. I squeeze my eyes shut, when the letter arrived it was six weeks, now it was a month. I hadn't told her because it would set back her revocery. Every meeting we had about the case she'd become withdrawn for days afterwards. Reliving the worst time of her love over and over in graphic detail took its toll on her. "What did you think would happen?"

"I don't know, okay, I don't know. I was trying to find the right time to tell her, I-"

"Reid, look, she's at mine, she'll be here for a few days." Garcia sighs. "Once you're back come over and talk to her, until then she needs some time to calm down, ok?"

I open my mouth to argue, to say something, anything. But I know its useless, there were no 'sides' with the team anymore. They looked at Amity as equal, Garcia was looking out for Amity, like I should have been. I know she's right though, the last thing Amity would want is me calling her.

"Okay," I sound defeated. "We should be done in a few days, I'll call you tomorrow to see how she's doing."

"You really screwed up Reid." Garcia sighs at me.

"I know." I murmur. She clicks off and I'm left with an ache in my chest.


"How could you think you could keep it from me? What did you think you'd gain?" Amity shouts at me. I glance just in time to see Garcia exit out her front door. As soon as I landed I came to Garcia's to see Amity and the moment she saw me there was anger in her eyes...

Be Safe (Criminal Minds/Spencer Reid x OC romantic Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now