Chapter 3: It Won't Be Free

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Chapter 3

It won't be free.

We're now inside the mall. I decided to bring this little man beside me to shop for his basic need at the dorm.

I'm wearing a simple white t-shirt, pants, and black jacket, while Jungwon wore a simple pink pullover, pants, and white sneakers just like me.

Every step we take, the more head turns to us, I'm not bothered about it, but this man beside me seems to find it a little uncomfortable.

I always catch people's attention, and I'm kinda used to that. I might sound bragging, but I'm actually not.

I'm always sure about that thing, but not this time. I don't even know who's drawing people's attention, because to be honest, the man beside me is also catching mine.

I'm sure that he looks outstanding, but it seems like he has different "Good" every day to offer. He looks chick this time, his hair is still covering his forehead, and he simply rocks.

He looks like someone who draws attention even before, so why he's still not used to it?

"Your cheeks are turning red," I told him. Maybe it's because of the cold weather or perhaps just him being uncomfortable.

"It's kinda cold," he replied, then hugged himself to rubbed his arms.

I actually wonder if there is something interesting on the ground as his eyes couldn't leave it. But whatever his reason are, one thing is for sure. He'll going to get himself into trouble any time now if he will keep doing that.

"Look where you're going," I commanded him. He glanced at me quite lost then nodded before walking like a normal human.

"Ugh, sorry," he said in a low tone. There you go.

"You should have wore more," I added, slightly scolding him. We're now in the household section. I brought him here to get dishwashing gloves and an apron that will fit perfectly on him.

"Get your house slipper." I reminded him he nodded then tried some slippers on.

"Why did you bring me here, Hyung? Things here are quite expensive," he whispered while looking at the prices of what was in front of him.

"This is where I shopped. It's okay. I'm going to pay for it. You don't have to worry." I assured him and pat his head softly.

"Let me pay you once I get my pay," he said, then smiled.

My brows automatically furrowed, "It's a welcome gift." I told him.

"This is too much for a welcome gift. You cooked for me twice. I think that's enough gift." He retorted, smiling.

After contemplating whether to ask, "You're working?" I finally asked him, the more I know about him, the more he surprise me, just how independent he is? I feel like he's too independent for his age.

"Uhm, It's just part-time. I'm starting tomorrow after school," he said, still choosing what house slipper to get. In the end, he chose the cheapest one.

"Look for the quality and not the price." I told him as I put back the slipper he chose, "The cheapest one won't last long." I added and got him the middle-priced one. "This one will." I continued.

He just nodded while laughing. "You sounds like my mom," he said.

I just glared at him. I was done paying for the things when I saw him still busy rubbing and hugging himself. I just couldn't help but feel worried. At this rate, he will be going to catch a cold.

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