Chapter 23: Trust

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Chapter 23


I've been trying to call mom and Dad, but they are not answering, I dialed their phone number, but the operator keeps, saying it's out of service as of the moment.

Perhaps they are both out of the country for business.

After paying for the taxi, I went straight to the dorm. I did not even knock and just barged in as if I was an intruder in my own place.

I saw the girl Jake's talking about that nailed me from where I am. Seeing this familiar yet foreign figure in front of me.

"Jay..." She called me softly, yet I could sense the anguish in her voice. I still remember how much I wanted to hear that voice of her a few years back.

All I was able to do was look at the girl who broke me just years ago... She is still the same. Nothing changed about her. She stayed the same, just like how she left me that day. There is no sign of triviality and indifference.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her, can't help sounding so distant,

I'll be lying if I say I am ready to see her. We ended without goodbyes, and you can't just expect me to be okay after she left me shattered, questioning myself for years.

Nothing works that way.

She gaped at me teary-eyed, She walked towards me, but I stepped back, doubled to every step she took closer to me.

"Jay, please." She said, almost beseeching, Her eyes were crowded with tears, and she did not bother to hide that.

I'd be running to her if I was the older version of me. The man who loved her so much and longed for her. I'm really glad I wasn't that man anymore.

Her tears still bother me but not the same way they did before. There are no thoughts of wiping it for her or hurting seeing her cry.

All I can feel are uncomfortable feelings inside me. It wasn't butterflies nor near that, just pure pinching in my system making me feel heavy inside.

"Just tell me what you want, then leave," I told her coldly. Our eyes met at the same time her tears fell.

"I missed you." She started while looking at me, trying to make her voice full. I could see nothing in her eyes but pain and longing I don't even understand why and what are for. She's the one who left me, yet the suffering in her eyes is so evident.

That felt foreign.

It was something I always wanted to hear from her back then, words that made my world stop spinning just to revolve around her, but it feels different right now. It feels nothing and not even almost.

The butterflies that used to visit me when our eyes met and the pain used to hunt me every time I saw those tears in her eyes did not come by nor even be felt. Same with the warmth and happiness every time she says that.

"I really do." her voice cracked as she covered her mouth, stopping all the sobs from coming out. She peers down, hiding all that.

"I'm sorry," That's all I could manage to say.

It's clear to me she's only a girl in my past. I don't like, want nor love her anymore. But seeing her like this wakes the man in me. It's not right to make a girl cry, watch them, and do nothing.

She used to be all that, and seeing her crying is unpleasant to watch.

"I'm sorry." She managed to say that despite the weepings, I can tell in her voice that she means more than that, and I know where she's going, "Can we start again?" She added with a hint of begging on her tone.

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