Chapter 20: Constant

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Chapter 20


It's been two weeks since he left, and the dorm feels so empty like it wasn't before. I missed my little one so much, That child-looking man who's always all over the dorm.

The dorm turned gloomy since he left, gloomier than when I was alone. Perhaps I already know how it could be lively with his presence, so I realized this dorm was much sadder before.

I lay on my bed after a shower. I tucked myself on my blanket and called him once the time clock hit 8 in the evening.

After few rings, he answered it with a cute smile on his lips. He likes playing with the camera. He uses cute filters sometimes and even makes ugly faces on his own.

"Hi, How's your day?" I started as he was still busy making faces such as pouting, making his eyes wide, and scrunching his nose. that sight made me smile. Cute.

"I'm good. How about you? How was your exam?" he added. I saw him entering his room now. He's wearing cute pajamas I only saw briefly when his phone passed on a body mirror at his back. He comfortably tucked himself on his blanket.

"I did well," I replied.

We stayed silent, just looking at each other on the screen of our phone, Oh God! I miss him so much already that it frustrates me.

I thought this would lessen the pain of missing him, but I guess I'm wrong as I miss him more every time I hear his voice and see him through the screen.

He smiled softly, but I could see the hint of blues on it, "I miss you." he whispered. I smiled because of that. He's outstanding at expressing himself.

"I told you not to make me miss you too much, One." I reminded him.

"You don't?" He asked solemnly. I knew he already knew the answer, but he just wanted to hear it from me, "I miss you too, One. More than you think, imagine, and I can express." I replied to him with a small smile.

Only God knows how much I do. Two weeks have been so empty for me. I realized he was the life of this dorm and the world I revolve in. Without him, by my side, It's worst than an ordinary day because it feels nothing.

Just like a plain blank canvas without a painting and books without words to its pages.

"I know." He said as he chuckled, "I do too misses you too like that." he added with a small smile.

We talked about a lot of things over the phone. How were his days, Grandma and his new discoveries... Things got random after a few hours of talking, but it was still a conversation I wanted the most because I was talking to him.

"It's getting late," he told me after a few hours.

"I still want to talk to you, One," I told him swiftly with a hint of pleading in my voice.

"It's 10, and you still need to review. You still have remaining exams, right?" He reminded me.

There are also no phone calls he forgets to says this, but I understand, It's the final exam, and I really need to pass this one.

"Hmm," I hummed and nodded. He brings his phone closer to the camera, It's litter blurry, yet those can't hide his good looks.

"One, What are you doing?" I asked him, then laughed a bit when he kept focusing it on his eyes. "Let me see you once more before we end this video call." I requested.

I heard him laugh for a bit but then gave me the view of him,

"Don't let girls and boys fall for you." I reminded him, I heard him chuckled.

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