Chapter 31.2: Together, Love

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Chapter 31.2

Together, Love

He walked away after saying that. Jake looked at me, nabbed with regrets, "I didn't know he fol-" I didn't let him finish and ran after One, Somi, tried to stop me, but I pushed her away, not caring if it would hurt her.

There were only tears in my eyes. I couldn't see clearly as it was too blurry. The rushing of unfamiliar lostness, blues, and fear visited me altogether, something I felt for the first time, and I didn't know how to control it. I felt heavy yet drifting.

"One!' I called him pleading, but he didn't stop walking fast as he could. The sight of him wiping his tears with his sleeves because of me feels like a torment. I gained all my remaining strength to run after him...

"One, Love! Please." I begged him when I could hold his arms. He didn't fight back nor look at me. His back looked wearily, and he seemed out of strength, too weak to say anything as he continued to cry and million expressions in his eyes.

I hugged him from behind can't stop tears escaping my eyes as I buried my head on his shoulder, full of worries and regrets. "Love.. please.." I continued to plead.

I can feel his shoulder shakes as he cries heavily. He was crying while not letting any sobs be heard, which was the loudest and most painful cry among all cries. He was hurting so much, and he wanted to hide his bewailings as it's evidence,

He slowly removed my hands on his waist, I refused to do so, but he used every effort to do it as he stood firmed and gazed at me with pain in his eyes. He pushed me with all his control away from him, placing distance between us.

He looked at me full of blues, he's eyes were red, swollen filled with tears. He bit his lips to hide the sobs as drops continued to roll down his cheeks. All glow in his eyes vanished and turned to pure pain and devastation.

I don't want to meet him like this. I'm doing my best to put everything in its place, just not to, but we still ended meeting like this. I missed him so much and wanted to hug him and kiss his forehead, but I knew he wouldn't let me, All I was able to do was watch him cry hard in front of me, and it's slowly killing me.

"Since when you know?" He asked me undeviatingly, forcing every word to be whole as he looked at me, betrayed. He pressed his lips hard, controlling his emotions as his tears continued to gush down.

"Since when Jay? I'm asking you!" he said, frustrated. "Is it that night? when we stayed at Jake's house?" He asked, pinning every word with more tears. "DAMN IT! ANSWER ME!" He roared, didn't able to handle my silence, more hurt.

I just nodded, trying to hold him, but he didn't let me. He covered his face with his hand out of frustration as he cried and wiped his tears.

"That long? You know it that long, And didn't tell me? He said as he glowered at me unbelievingly, "Are you even planning to tell me?" He asked, feeling more deceived as tears continued to befall,

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you. I don't want to hurt you. One," I replied as I looked at him in tears threading my cheeks. He looked at me straight into my eyes. I could only see the strain, pain, and sadness on his.

"But I'm still hurting right now!" he said brokenly, pinning every word. "It's hurting me so much that it's driving me crazy, Jay," he added, pooled tears on his eyes descending more. "Why you didn't tell me? Why I should find it out like this?" he asked softly, pointing every word. I can feel how much I was hurting him right now in every word he lets go.

"What else are you hiding from me, Jay? What does she mean you gave up everything you have, just for me? Why are you in this place, Jay? He continued to ask me, but I wasn't able to answer.

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