Chapter 34: Goodbye Kiss

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Chapter 34

Goodbye kiss

I woke up without One by my side, I immediately got up to check if he was in the living room, but I didn't see him. "Love?" I called, but no one answered.

I checked his room, but he's also not there. I couldn't help but frown. I went back to my room to call him. I was about to dial his number when the door rang saying there was someone behind opening it,

I walked toward the living room and saw him making his entrance while holding a paper bag, "You woke up early. Good morning." he greeted, then went to me to hug me. I engulfed his waist, but the frown didn't leave my forehead.

He tiptoed to plant a kiss on my lips. I just stared at him. He seemed to realize it, "Why? did I do something?" he asked softly, then slowly traced my eyebrows with his delicate fingers calming its waves. I didn't even realized it was trying to meet each other.

"I woke up without you," I said. He looked at me with a gentle smile, "And?" he asked me with calm eyes while raising his brows to tell me to continue.

"Nothing... Just leave a note next time." I said, then kissed his forehead.

I wanted to say that he should have woken me up to go with him, or told me at least, or wait for me to wake up before leaving, or so we could go together, but it seems like I forgot how to talk.

The way he stared at me and talked to me was melting. It made me out of words not because I was speechless, but I couldn't find the right words to say, and it seems like I couldn't find any words I learned since young aside from forgetting how to talk correctly.

His effect on me is crazy, It was too early for butterflies to wake up, but he woke up the whole zoo inside my stomach to send tingling warmth on my system.

I carried the paper bag he was holding. it was quite heavy, "These are?" I asked him.

"It was for our date later," he said, then smiled. I placed it on the table as I watched him sit on the sofa. It was short of ingredients for picnic foods.

"You did groceries without me," I stated like canvas.

He glanced at me with scanning eyes and nodded seems flustered about my reaction.

"You should have woken me up. I could drive for you. I miss doing groceries with you too." I told him casually. I really meant missing doing things with him we usually do before everything came to this, but I tried to sound normal afraid he would find it too clingy.

"Next time then..." he said, then smiled. "I wanted you to rest more. I know you had sleepless nights at your office," he said, then smiled.

I just nodded and arranged the groceries on the fridge.

"Should I make something for breakfast?" he asked me,

I just glanced at him, "That would be good," I replied plainly,

I left the kitchen after and went to my room. I lay down on my bed, It was childish of me to get upset, but I couldn't help it. I'm upset with myself for sleeping too much. I feel like he does not need me anymore, too, even he has my presence.

I know he meant good, but that was kinda sad for me. I feel like I'm the only one who's missing doing things together.

It wasn't long when he followed me to my room, "Love," He called.

"Hmm?" I hummed and looked at him. Even though I'm quite upset, I shouldn't vent it out to him. He has a valid reason.

He walked closer and sat beside me, I waited for him to talk, but he just stared at me then ruffled my hair,

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