Chapter 13: Someone Who Can Be His Rest

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Chapter 13

Someone who can be his rest

Jake and Niki arrived at the dorm earlier than initially planned. We are now in my room. I let them do whatever they wanted just for them to stay quiet.

Jungwon is still sleeping in his room. It's just 8 in the morning. I'm afraid they will disturb his sleep because obviously, he's tired of working late and doing his school stuff.

"Stop frowning already! We even bought you guys egg drop sandwiches for breakfast!" Jake said, laughing.

I just glared at him. "You said after lunch, asshole. One is still sleeping. You're dead once he wakes up because of noise." I warned him little irritated.

Obviously, he forced Riki to wake up early to be here at this hour as he's now asleep on my bed so peacefully.

"Anyways, Do you have any plan?" Jake asked me. I just look at him confuse, don't have any idea what plan is he talking about.

"I mean, you're not planning to let Sunday pass, right?" He added, I just shook my head, still not getting him, spending it with them, and Jungwon is the only plan I have. What else needs to be planned?

"Oh God!" he said with a hint of frustration, "Like really Jay? You're not going to do something? To solo him or whatnot?" he added while looking at me with that surprise big eyes, frown on his forehead, and ajar lips,

"We're going for him to bond with his friends," I told him, as a matter of fact.

He just shrugged his shoulder and went back to playing Xbox games. "Like yeah!.., and waste golden opportunity to get closer." He added with a mocking tone.

I threw pillows at him, "What? are you expecting me to do? Set up some firework display and confess to him, you jackass!" I resorted, starting to get upset with him.

He laughed as he looked at me. "That's cheesy Mate, I don't know you have a side like that. Love really changes people." He said, smirking and giving me thumbs up. Did not waver from joking around.

I just rolled my eyes at him, fed up,

"But seriously, man, Even though you're willing to wait for him, you should make advances... Like a spark, you know." He said as he nodded.

The more I think of it, he knows a lot about these sorts of things, we both dated, but he is just way more all-knowing when it comes to this, Maybe because he has way more experience. Well, He's not a notorious flirt for nothing.

That's also the reason I don't trust him in things like this. He also never had serious relationships and just flings. I don't want to use his dirty tricks with Jungwon because, first of all, I'm serious with him, and he doesn't deserve cheapness.

"I mean, feelings don't develop on their own you need to do something for it to developed." He added while looking at me,

"He didn't do anything, but I still fell for him," I said coldly, resorting to his words with a blank expression. He just stared at me then laughed,

He seems to be enjoying laughing and making fun of me these past few days. It's making me want to rip him apart till his lip split into half and that handsome face of his.

"Man! Cupid really hits you hard this time." He said, then pat me as if he wished me well.

We stopped the topic when we heard creaks from the next door. Jungwon must be awake. Without saying anything, I went outside and saw him getting water.

"Good Morning, hyung." he greeted me with a small smile like always. I walked closer to him and pat his head softly, arraying his bedroom hair.

"There's egg drop at the table," I told him in case he hadn't seen it. I saw him smile more as he glanced at me.

The Destiny Against Us : JayWonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz