Chapter 40: Once More

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Chapter 40

Once More

Jungwon's Point of View

I'm inside his office to put his schedules for today. It's been weeks since he returned to work, and nothing has changed in his working style. It's hard to see him work all day and night, but he seems not to endure that and continues to work himself to an extent till his own body couldn't take it.

If I knew he was going to live his life like this, I should have chosen us, at least I will be sure he will be spending long life with me than seeing him shorten his life span by his own abusing his own body by working without breaks,

I could still remember he said he didn't want to be like his dad, but he seemed not to realize he was becoming one. He has a wife waiting for him, yet he spends his day and night at his office.

My thought hurts me, but I just let out a bittersweet smile. We still treated each other as strangers, I should have at least offered him friendship, so at least it wouldn't be hard like this.

Who I am kidding?

I chose to stay, I decided to live two months seeing him, I endured five years without him, I was thinking it would be all right to spend two months of my life more with him even this way before spending the remaining of it lifeless once more.

I should make living worth it, too, right?

The door of his office opened, and he was surprised to see me inside,

I bowed to him, "Good morning Sir, I just placed your schedule for today at your desk." I reported to him,

Every time I speak formally with him, it's defined more how we're so different. He was the boss, and I am a mere trainee, that says more than itself. I keep wondering why I didn't realize it back then, perhaps I did, but I didn't mind. I was too naive to consider and call it difference nor to care, Mayhap.

It's funny how I think, realizing that earlier would change everything or anything when it's so obviously wasn't.

"Thanks, bring me some coffee, please," he said coldly as he nodded and sat to his swivel chair, where there was a pile of folders and documents that never left his table. He didn't say anything more and directly opened one of the folders to work on it already.

I was in the break room making his coffee. At least I could do something for him. The training was going well, and we got used to the setup of treating each other even there were some times we couldn't resist caring for one another openly.

I added milk to his coffee. As he wanted it this way. He would ask me instead to make his coffee instead of Ms. Yujin. I also taught Ms. Yujin how to make it so she could make one for him when my training ended. But there was one time, I was too busy with my task, so she made it for him, but after a few minutes, Jay rang the intercom saying it tasted weird.

I could still remember how Ms. Yujin and I looked at each other confused, as she defended herself, "I did how you said it." in a puzzled tone.

In the end, I made a new one for him. The thing is, I tasted it, and I couldn't tell the difference, Just how sensitive his taste bud is? I might teach Ms. Yujin the right measurement as well.

I carefully bought his coffee to his office, I knocked 3 times, but I stopped on his doorstep when I saw, Somi hugging him from the back as he was sitting in his swivel chair.

The sight sent a shiver on my body. I felt like I was being squeezed inside me. The butterflies that used to be tamed amuck in pain as their wings chain in strangles at sight as my heartbeat hitched and attacked by short of pangs.

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