Chapter 46: Unexplainable

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Chapter 46


I looked at One with surprise in his expression after seeing his room in our dorm. I refurnished it to make homier for him. His reaction brought butterflies in my stomach to roam calmly, sending fluttery in my system. Knowing he likes it washed all my worries about decorating his room.

"Love..." He called me, mouth a jar with a curl on his lips that tells me he was moved. He glances at me lovingly before rooming his eyes again once more.

A smile grew more prominent on my lips, but I tried to hide the proudness I felt for myself and for making him this happy.

I've had prepared his room before he moved in. I repainted it and changed the air condition to more newest one, the same with the lights. I'm also the one who cleaned everything and put some cream carpet on the floor as he loves to sit and lay down on it, I don't want him to do that on the cold floor and get sick for it, and there's no way I will let him.

I also installed television where he could watch granny's favorite anime, and we could have our movie marathon dates. There's also a working place on the side corner where his study table was before, and some big mirror for his fits. He also has bean bags and furniture to make his room homey for him.

I could hire someone to do it, but I want to make it more special and do it myself. I will do everything for him, including the things people don't think necessary. I don't have that in my vocabulary anyway when it comes to it.

"Did you like it?" I asked the obvious. I actually wanted to hear it from him. He looked at me, seemed like he saw my anticipation in his answer, and laughed,

He stared more at me, all smiles, and nodded, "Of course, I love it!" he said as he walked towards me. I couldn't help but smile more when he slowly wrapped his arms around my nape to embrace me. I snaked his waist to pull him closer,

Knowing that he likes it is actually enough to reward me, but my love is too generous, and he's giving me a hug and words to confirm it. The swoony sensation in my stomach was felt as warmth spread in my body.

"Thank you, Love, for everything even you don't need to," he whispered to me as he rested my head on my shoulder,

I ruffled his hair softly as I tried to have a view on his face, "I want to do everything I could do for you, Love." I replied with a small smile.

He peered at me with a soft smile melting my knees. I tried my best to stand still, "And there's nothing in this world, 'That I don't need to do.' for you, let me remind you of that." I added and kissed his forehead. I have said that already to him countless times, but I won't get tired of reminding him that he deserves to be given everything and more than that.

He giggles softly as his cheeks be colored hues of pink, as he nods, "That sweet lips of yours." he commented, then brushed my lips with his index finger as he walked to his bed, still looking around.

We started unpacking his clothes together. It was most of the time me, watching him with a smile, couldn't leave my lips.

It's really happening. We're really now going to live together. We will wake up seeing each other first in the morning and end the day with each other. We will go home to each other after a long tiring day and rest in each other arms.

How perfect is that? That thought continues to give me butterflies in my stomach, feeling giddy yet warm inside despite my calm and composed expression.

"Love.." He called me laughing, just then I came back to reality, but embarrassment didn't even visit me, "Yes?" I asked him softly.

"Stop staring," he said, then laughed more. I just chuckled and watched him place the file of his clothes in his drawer.

The Destiny Against Us : JayWonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora