Nothing good lasts (Angsty Florida x Louie)

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Idk what TWs I may need for this other than it's pretty sad. Let me know but you're always welcome to skip if ya want.

All Translations are from Google and I'll put what they hopefully mean at the end. 🤠👌

Louie gently took Florida's hand, the two of them sitting on the top of the statehouse late at night. How they got there? No one really knows.

"Hey, Florida..." Louisiana mumbled, his eyes slowly drifting away from the other. It was only a matter of time... "What's up Louie?"

"Sha... You know we might not be together forever, right? Like nothing good ever lasts. So... One day we might be strangers or a faint memory in history." Florida turned to the smaller state, quite confused. "What do you mean? Is something wrong Louie?" Louie gulped and shook his head, of course, something was... He didn't have the heart to tell him...

"Mais sha, I just wanted to let you know, tha you're my best friend. And I never want that day to come sha. But it will. And when it does, I want you to know that I loved every moment I spent with you. From fighting Gators to snuggling up in blankets. Sha, You were the best thing that's ever happened to me. And I thank you for everything."

Florida starred at Louisiana, a soft warm smile formed where his confused frown was. "I-Im sorry for making it so gloomy all of a sudden I just really needed to get that off my chest sha..." Florida pulled Louisiana into a tight hug. Louisiana mumbling a small 'thanks' whilst returning it.

Little did Florida know this was probably going to be the last hug he'd ever receive from him.

Later that night both of the states went to bed. Saying their usual goodbyes but it all hurt Louisiana more. He groaned softly, flopping onto his bed.

Tomorrow is the day he goes back to France...

+Time skip+

Florida jumped outta his bed. Happily grabbing his normal fittings, changing, then leaving his room. Today was another meeting! A meeting where he and Louie can annoy the hell outta Gov.

Don't get him wrong Gov was a pretty nice guy, but annoying him was so much fun!! Especially when you have a friend. Florida skipped to Louie's door, giving it a little knock. "Sleeping beauty~! You up yet? We gotta meeting!!" No response.

He knocked louder, "Don't make me come in there dumbass!! We gotta go or we'll be late." Nothing. The state grew worried, the knocking getting louder till he finally decided he'd just go in. "ALRIGHT AT LEAST HAVE SOMETHING ON I'M COMING IN!!"

He opened the door, a gasp escaping his lips. The room was empty, apart from the furniture still being there. It was all gone. No Jazz posters from way back when, no framed pictures of him, Louie, and the rest of the south hanging out together. No fish tanks or voodoo stuff. Nothing. It's like he just disappeared. The words Louie spoke started replaying in his head.

He needs to find him. At least to say goodbye.

Louisiana can't just leave him alone like this. Right? Is this some sort of prank? Florida left the room, giggling slightly. It had to be. No way Louie would just leave him. He wasn't like that at all.

He entered the meeting room, noticing... Sad looks on the other's faces. Gov nowhere in sight. But D.C?

What is with today? First Louie is gone. Now D.C running a meeting again? He took his normal seat, the one next to him... Empty... "As most of you know... Louisiana isn't exactly... Well... Fuck how do I put this..." D.C looked down for a moment before locking eyes with Florida, then quickly turning away from the man's confused gaze.

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