Chapter 36.

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Farah's POV :
August walked me through the restaurant. It was insanely beautiful. It was on top of a building, hard to believe it was real.

"I can not thank you enough." My eyes peered all around me.

"A beautiful girl deserves beautiful things." He grabbed ahold of my hand, causing me to look up at him.

"Thank you."

"Mr. Alsina." An older white man greeted us.

"Your table is this way." He walked in front of us.

The weather was breezy tonight. August and i drove around for hours talking, until eventually we were both dying of hunger.

"And here we are." He set us at a table on the side. "Can I start you two with anything?" He asked as we sat down.

"Do you want anything?" August asked me.

"Water sir." I nodded my head.

"Water.." He wrote down.

"And you Mr. Alsina?" He raised an eyebrow at August.

"Call me August sir. I'll take fruit punch." He told the man.

"Fruit punch.." He said awkwardly as he wrote it down.


"The French dip looks so good." I looked towards August.

"French dip it is." But he looked at me saying it, not the man.

"Coming right up." And with that he left.

"Fruit punch?" I laughed.

"What?" He laughed along with me. "I like it!" He pouted.
"I can see." I smiled, looking around me again.

"Anyone would be stupid to let you go." He examined me.

"I'm actually not that special to be honest with you." I gave him a hard look.

"To me, you are royalty." He returned the hard look.

"You are thinking about him?" He asked me.


"You are." He put a hand under his chin, looking at me harder. "I can see it in your eyes, the way you're breathing, and your choice of words." He smirked.

"I wasn't until you brought it up." I bit my lip.

"How did he get you so attached? It's like he has consumes your mind." He shrugged.

"I do not want anything to do with him, believe me." I looked off to the other buildings.

"Good." He answered, causing me to look back at him. "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to figure you out." He shook his head.

"August dear.." I reached my hand for his. "You will never figure me out."

We were interrupted by the man back with our drinks and food.

"Thank you." August and I told the man as he set our food down.

"My pleasure you two. Are you ready to order?" He took his notepad back out.

"Do you want the Chef's special?" August asked, showing me the food on the menu.

"That's fine." I smiled.

"Alrighty." The man took our menus, disappearing again.

"Back to what we were saying, I think I know more about you than you think.. Miss. You will never figure me out." He laughed.

"Really?" I took a sip of my drink smiling. "Like what?"

"You are insecure, lost, and missing what was once yours. You love him, he loves you. You like me as a person, but are afraid I will hurt you. I will not-"

"How do you know these things?" I looked up at him.

"I know a lot, Farah." He took a bite of food.

Short chapter haha. The next one will be much longer! Who did you think Farah will end up being with??

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