Chapter 15.

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Farah's POV :
(Next day)
I stretched and quickly hopped out of bed. It was still bright on my mind that I wanted to write for Trey. I scurried into the bathroom and washed my face quickly, wrapping my hair up into a bun.

I slid on some slippers by my bed and grabbed my dorm key. In the hallway, I quickly turned and knocked hard on Jessica's door. After a couple moments she answered.

"What the hell? It's seven in the morning. We don't have school today it's Saturday." She told me.

"I am going to start writing for Trey." I smiled uneasy.

"What? Get in here." She yanked my arm.

"What?" I yanked back while inside her dorm.

"Are you fucking playing with me? You can't just leave." She laughed.

"I am being serious.. My mom finally agreed I should do what I want." I smiled.

"So you are going to leave both me, your career and Aaron and everything here? Really Farah?"

"I thought you wanted me to.."

"I wanted you to do what you wanted. I mean God you only knew Trey for what two days and think you know him so well come on Farah really? I actually need you in my life." She hesitated.

"That is what I want to do Jes.." I looked down.

"Oh please, come on just think about it for a little okay?" She reached out to grab my arm, and I could see pain lie within her eyes.

"Okay." I agreed.

She took in a sigh and headed back to her bed.

"Come sit by me, so I can tell you everything you need to know before you make your decision."

I walked slowly over to her bed and plopped down. She took in a really long sigh before she spoke.

"When I first met Trey, I was obsessed. I don't know, I guess like his body, or how he could make you feel in bed. I wanted to be his girl, a part of his life, so bad. I dropped everything to do what I could for him, and eventually he just stopped communicating with me. So here I was, no where. I had to start over with school, all because of him. There is so much flaws to him he could ruin you I swear." She told me.

"I am willing to take that risk." I said proudly.

"If you leave i no longer fucks with you." She shuffled.

"What? Is this about jealousy Jes? Really.. What kind of friend are you?" I snapped.

"Get out of my dorm, and don't come back." She shouted, startling me.

"Fine." I stood up and simply exited her dorm.

I had never seen Jessica so mad or hurt before. I felt so guilty, but this was my life, not hers. Once I returned to my dorm I called Trey a billion times, and no answer. I searched up on my phone his next concert, I needed to speak with him. After Jessica's reaction, I wasn't even going to tell Aaron, it wasn't worth it. Luckily me, Trey had a concert tonight, at 6. It was only about eight now, I had plenty of time. I felt so weird going out to a concert alone, but that was the only choice I had at this point.

I sighed, setting my phone down and plopping back in bed. Until five, all I was going to do was sleep and think. I set an alarm on my phone to make sure I woke up on time.

My alarm rang exactly at five. It was hard to believe I had slept so long, but then again I was a hard sleeper. I scampered out of bed and into the bathroom. I applied bright pink lipstick, and slid on some white jeans with a pink tank top. Then I put a white Jean jacket on. I slayed my edges back and put my hair in a pretty bun.

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